Is this possible in Photo Mac?

Is this possible in Photo Mac?



Original Poster:

95 posts

29 months

Saturday 6th July
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Am I asking the impossible here?

I have a photo taken by grandad in the 1920's. I have managed to locate it on Google Maps and get a street view from where he took the photo.
Is it possible to link to the actual Streetview somehow in the location box in the info box on the photo?

I'll post some screenshots of what I mean

Many thanks for any help

This is the photo

This is a screenshot of street view


3,476 posts

161 months

Sunday 7th July
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Yes, should be fairly straight forward, there should be an option of adding a location on Google / Apple photos, just open the photo and edit the EXIF data on the right hand side by clicking the "I" button, there's normally a add location option ?


Original Poster:

95 posts

29 months

Sunday 7th July
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Arkose said:
Yes, should be fairly straight forward, there should be an option of adding a location on Google / Apple photos, just open the photo and edit the EXIF data on the right hand side by clicking the "I" button, there's normally a add location option ?
Thanks for taking the time to reply. i am in Apple Photos and can open the info box and enter the location by name. When doing this I can only see the aerial view. i was hoping to see the Streetview as in my example. My knowledge is fairly limited here, and I had to look up EXIF data


14,724 posts

146 months

Sunday 7th July
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if you get the coordinates (using google and google maps).... eg 51.5014° N, 0.1419° W. you can copy them into the location box. Right click photo... get info.... But it will not directly link to street view.

Edited by thebraketester on Sunday 7th July 13:16


Original Poster:

95 posts

29 months

Thursday 11th July
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Thanks for your help, I'll carry on as thebraketester suggests.