==TransporTed== (I've had a stupid idea - any interest? )

==TransporTed== (I've had a stupid idea - any interest? )



11,579 posts

245 months

Monday 17th December 2007
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Who starts these nasty rumours? :innocent:



5,716 posts

230 months

Monday 17th December 2007
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Can we schedule him for a road trip to Iceland in June / July.

Transport will be the dashboard of my 110


2,799 posts

278 months

Tuesday 18th December 2007
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V6GTO said:
Know how you feel Chris...I'm trying to do 6-8 weeks in India next year and the Galapogos the year after. Trouble is, the cheapest trip I can find there is 7k, and t isn't anywhere near the itinery I want. Then there's Africa, Australia.....
Yes, it's not cheap. We're using a UK company called Naturetrek and all in it's in the region of the figure you mention. So far Naturetrek have been top notch. It was the only trip we found that was two weeks round the islands and also a relatively small sailing yacht rather than massive cruise ship type thing. I'm sure it will motor a lot between locations but I like the thought of being able to sail if we can.

For Africa you could do a lot worse than talk to two other Uk companies, one is Safari Consultants based in London who have been doing bespoke arrangements for Africa for about 20 years and secondly Wild Arena. Wild Arena are trips / workshops for photographers. We've done a couple of Uk workshops with them whcih were very well arranged and they also do trips to the Massi Mara / Serengeti for the wildebeest migration. They are also just starting trips to the Galapagos. Both Peter and David are really nice straight forward blokes to deal with and run their trips specifically for photographers / nature enthusiasts. I often measure a company by how they treat you when it all goes wrong. We were booked with Wild Arena to go to Skokholm earlier in the year and it got aborted due to the storms over the Welsh coast. Full and prompt refund no questions asked and all done in a very professional manner.

India, Asia, Aus / NZ. Le Mans and the Nordschleife are all other places I simply must visit before the old knees give out, for very varied reasons smile


32,091 posts

253 months

Tuesday 18th December 2007
quotequote all
CVP said:
Top of her list is Galapagos, then Borneo for the Orangutans and then Machu Picchu. For me the the top is Antarctica and nearby islands, then Galapagos,
That's exactly what I want to do! When the "hooning" bug is out of me in a few years we're going to be taking those exact holidays. Can't wait biggrin


5,256 posts

249 months

Tuesday 18th December 2007
quotequote all
CVP said:
TonyHetherington said:

I hope so smile

I'll be back to bore you all with the images in early March.

Galapogos is amazing, Vexy and I went there a couple of years back and did a 7 day cruse on the MS Santa Cruz.

Either take lots of film or data cards or have the ability to down load them every night. I came back with over 1000 pics. But there is only a certain number of times you can go 'OOOoooo look an iguana/seal etc'

Blue Footed Boobie's are amazing and the noise on that island will always make me smile.

We only did half the islands in that trip, so we have an excuse to go back when lil' vexie is bigger or gone to uni!

Edited by VEX on Tuesday 18th December 12:36


76,810 posts

285 months

Monday 28th January 2008
quotequote all
biggrin Excellent.

Do you want him up Everest? I know someone who might be going next year (past base camp).


Original Poster:

29,451 posts

282 months

Monday 28th January 2008
quotequote all
shadowninja said:
biggrin Excellent.

Do you want him up Everest? I know someone who might be going next year (past base camp).
EveresTed would be great... e mail me any deatils!

Steve at SteveCarter.com

Rude Girl

6,937 posts

262 months

Tuesday 29th January 2008
quotequote all
We're going to Cuba in May if he's free.


10,857 posts

270 months

Tuesday 29th January 2008
quotequote all
Rude Girl said:
We're going to Cuba in May if he's free.
Worst "We're going to Cuba but don't want to just come out with it so we'll dress it up a bit by taking the dwarf bear" thread. Ever.


Rude Girl

6,937 posts

262 months

Tuesday 29th January 2008
quotequote all
GregE240 said:
Rude Girl said:
We're going to Cuba in May if he's free.
Worst "We're going to Cuba but don't want to just come out with it so we'll dress it up a bit by taking the dwarf bear" thread. Ever.

Cheeky sod! You should talk to your missus - I came out to her the other day - sent her a link to the holiday! biggrin


1,278 posts

216 months

Tuesday 19th February 2008
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Hi All

Does anyone know where Ted is at the mo?




Original Poster:

29,451 posts

282 months

Tuesday 19th February 2008
quotequote all
I wish I knew... some from here are AWOL - I'll investigate
He 'should' be with CVP - but I'm still waiting for a pic from Dave

Edited by GetCarter on Tuesday 19th February 18:52


16,277 posts

268 months

Tuesday 19th February 2008
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EvilTed got im...


6,808 posts

206 months

Tuesday 19th February 2008
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I'll be going to Dubai in a month, Happy to take Ted with me smile


59 posts

258 months

Thursday 21st February 2008
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Ted left me end of Jan, and is now with CVP sunning himself somewhere in the Galapagos Islands!

Pic is on its way Steve!


5,667 posts

222 months

Friday 22nd February 2008
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I'm in Shanghai and Hong Kong from 21st to 28th of March - I'll take Ted if he's available.

Also Frankfurt from April 9th to 11th. I wonder if he has a German cousin called Frankfurted?

Edited by Goochie on Friday 22 February 22:11


977 posts

228 months

Saturday 23rd February 2008
quotequote all
Rag_It said:
Ted left me end of Jan, and is now with CVP sunning himself somewhere in the Galapagos Islands!

Pic is on its way Steve!
I'm still expecting Ted's arrival with me before I go to India!! All planned with CVP that assuming Ted survives the wildlife on the Galapagas Islands, he's going Tiger hunting still!!!!! thumbup

Hope this puts your mind at rest Steve



2,799 posts

278 months

Thursday 6th March 2008
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OK just landed back yesterday so here are Ted's shots from the Galapagos islands.

Ted gets in some early reading to prepare

It's behind you! Ted being mistaken for a juicy piece of Cactus by a Land Iguana

Ted relaxes sunbathing with the Sea Lions

Godzilla attacks, run Ted run

Ted checking out the Marine Iguanas

Ted did miss one prime opportunity, a shot with the legend Mr Derek Bell on the flight home but he was safely packed away. I did have a quick chat with him, top bloke and still looks just as he did when winning Le Mans smile

Peter, I'll post Ted at lunchtime today, so hopefully with you either friday or Saturday morning.



Original Poster:

29,451 posts

282 months

Thursday 6th March 2008
quotequote all
Great work Chris

I'll hassle Dave to send one, as I need to post them in sequence.

Do you have a fav from that lot? (I like 2 and 4 best??)


2,799 posts

278 months

Thursday 6th March 2008
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I'd go for 2 as it places him well, for 4 unless you know it's a dead marine iguana it could be lots of places.
