==TransporTed== (I've had a stupid idea - any interest? )

==TransporTed== (I've had a stupid idea - any interest? )



Original Poster:

29,451 posts

282 months

Tuesday 13th March 2007
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Well I think as Ted went from Japan to England to Valencia and back to England he deserves two pics.

So I suggest one from the trip and one in Robin Hood Land.

Good plan?

I need places and titles and dates and two 750 wide pics.

Carter the unstoppable Ted machine.


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29,451 posts

282 months

Tuesday 13th March 2007
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EmmaP said:

I have them 750 pixels wide but reduced them to fit better on screen for PH.

Where do I send them to? To you direct, Steve?

steve at stevecarter.com will be fine

Good work Emma.


Original Poster:

29,451 posts

282 months

Tuesday 13th March 2007
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Original Poster:

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282 months

Wednesday 14th March 2007
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TonyHetherington said:
What is quite funny are all the little things he's collected on his travels.

The perfume, the dress, the sushi etc.....that in itself is becoming a bit of a feature hehe (Steve, you probably don't realise what we mean....in the little tape box he is in "stuff" is getting collected from his travels.)

You lot are even sadder than me.


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29,451 posts

282 months

Wednesday 4th April 2007
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all working here now



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282 months

Sunday 8th April 2007
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hugh_ said:

Its that with JST??? Can't think of anyone else offering Tall Ship sailing for disabled folk.



Original Poster:

29,451 posts

282 months

Sunday 15th April 2007
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Who's got Ted at the moment BTW?


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282 months

Sunday 15th April 2007
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Legmaster said:
GetCarter said:
Who's got Ted at the moment BTW?

I've still got him, Code Monkey is next on the list to take Ted scuba diving in Egypt on the 29th.



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29,451 posts

282 months

Monday 16th April 2007
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hobo said:
"all distances calulaTed

fixed. Ta


Original Poster:

29,451 posts

282 months

Wednesday 18th April 2007
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pot bellied fool said:
Ok folks, online calendar now up.

Please enter any known Ted bookings, I'm not trawling through the thread to find 'em all!

Log onto the calendar at www.google.com/calendar/

Username is transport.ted
password pistonheads

Steve, any chance of embedding the calendar in TransporTed's pages? www.google.com/support/calendar/bin/answer.py?answer=41207&topic=8573

Must dash, need beer!

sorry - just seen this.

How do I input username, password? All I get is e mail/password (which doesn't work). I assume I have to set up a google account?


Original Poster:

29,451 posts

282 months

Wednesday 18th April 2007
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OK... got it working. (spelling mistakez - sorry). But when I saw it on -line thought it to be a really bad idea to add to the page... basically, any demented schoolchild could add their name to the calendar and screw the whole thing up.

The plan is for 'a' to give to 'b' to give to 'c' etc and see where Ted goes - all based on trust and decisions of the 'bearer'. IMO, Whoever has Ted should decide where he goes next... not whoever can subscribe to Google... If you see what I mean.

It may be slower, but I think it's more fun if it's not regimented (or hi-jacked by terrorists).



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29,451 posts

282 months

Wednesday 18th April 2007
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Adding... I'm hoping he'll at some stage leave the PH fraternity and get into the 'real' world (cough).

It'll be a lot more exciting if there is no structure to where he goes. (Read original post)


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29,451 posts

282 months

Monday 7th May 2007
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Oi Kinky!

I assume Jenkins has him now, but did you have hold of / take a pic of Ted?


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282 months

Monday 7th May 2007
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Kinky said:
Yes - Martins got him now - came and collected him personally (and a lovely guy he was too) yes

As for my own pics ...... firstly we were not allowed to take cameras - so that was a complete waste of time - sorry guys - trust me - I was a tad hacked off.

But, a minor bonus I did get a pic of him before he was almost eaten by Robatr0n when he was scoffing his birthday cake. It was a suprise birthday party that 20+ PHers threw for one of our local members.



ETA: For reference, pic was taken in Old Windsor.

Edited by Kinky on Monday 7th May 20:06

Hey that's great... everyone a winner! Can I use it on the site? If so e-mail me steve @ stevecarter.com with a date, place, name of photographer and title (and I'll grab the pic from here).


Original Poster:

29,451 posts

282 months

Monday 7th May 2007
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Cheers Mark. Up and running


Original Poster:

29,451 posts

282 months

Tuesday 8th May 2007
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Good plan Master Leg.

ETA: www.stevecarter.com/transported/te

Edited by GetCarter on Tuesday 8th May 20:35


Original Poster:

29,451 posts

282 months

Sunday 13th May 2007
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Maybe just the Casino... but which ever other will end up in 'out-teds'



Original Poster:

29,451 posts

282 months

Sunday 13th May 2007
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Martin's pics up and running.

I'll get Ted stiched up good and proper then get him back on the road again.


Original Poster:

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282 months

Monday 14th May 2007
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Not sure when Ted will be repaired... if I get him back in time, I'll be in touch.


Original Poster:

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282 months

Tuesday 15th May 2007
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V6GTO said:
Ted is now on his way (via SnailMail) back to Steve to get a little TLC (with all the traveling he's coming apart at the seams)


Ta Martin. TransporTed safe and sound.

I've snuck a quick pic in whilst he's home. www.stevecarter.com/transported/ted1.htm

Will try and get him to Anna by 31st as Ted wants to meet big cousin Panda in China