Just for fun random camera phone pictures you're happy with

Just for fun random camera phone pictures you're happy with



Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Friday 10th April 2015
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Never caught genuine water sparkle before smile


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Sunday 31st May 2015
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dave0010 said:
One from my current hotel Yoga deck the other night. not HDR and only slightly edited

Wow! Show us the un-edited one.


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Sunday 31st May 2015
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eggchaser1987 said:
This thread was put my way after asking for feedback on some pics.

This was one that was taken on my phone that I didn't really think anything of until it was on the computer.

Nice, can't beat a bit of sunburst wink


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Sunday 14th June 2015
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Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Monday 15th June 2015
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Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Friday 16th October 2015
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AB8219 said:
All taken with iPhone 6

North Coast Banf by Aaron Brown, on Flickr

North Coast Banf Escort by Aaron Brown, on Flickr

MacDuff Aquarium by Aaron Brown, on Flickr

Fields behind home by Aaron Brown, on Flickr

Deep in thought by Aaron Brown, on Flickr

Blue Sea North Coast Banf by Aaron Brown, on Flickr

Recent trip to Scotland, plus one from home.
Good stuff!


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Tuesday 2nd August 2016
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Needles IOW


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Monday 15th August 2016
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mybrainhurts said:
I can't compete with that. Great shot! I do like a good sunset.


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Sunday 16th April 2017
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Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Sunday 30th April 2017
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Nature can be horrible yikes


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Friday 5th May 2017
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Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Thursday 18th May 2017
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pstruck said:
I'll post this one. Not because it's technically good or well composed, it isn't, but because I thought it was interesting and fun. The state of my old man's cramped workshop. How he manages to get anything done or find anything in here I will never know!



Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Tuesday 29th August 2017
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Neuchâtel, Switzerland. I'm not great, but difficult to take a bad photo here.


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Tuesday 29th August 2017
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Just my sons spinning spinner. But I thought it was interesting.


Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Tuesday 29th August 2017
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Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Tuesday 29th August 2017
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Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Friday 6th October 2017
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Original Poster:

1,392 posts

177 months

Friday 28th October 2022
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