The birds they mock me



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259 months

Monday 31st October 2011
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Not an amazing pic only had my point and shoot. Anybody know what this is?


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259 months

Monday 31st October 2011
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central said:
I think it's a Common Myna.
Thanks, could be. That pic was taken in Israel cant see a listing for it in that country but it does list Turkey so I suppose its not too far away. I only noticed it because it had a very tunful song. the yellow around the eye matches.


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259 months

Sunday 13th November 2011
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Dogsey said:
More Tits!

Great Tit 01 by dogsey, on Flickr
All great. Love this one


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42,655 posts

259 months

Sunday 27th November 2011
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They are awesome!


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259 months

Sunday 25th December 2011
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Duck_Pond said:
A few more from recent weeks...

All great

Love this one

ps how on earth did it land on that


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42,655 posts

259 months

Sunday 11th March 2012
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259 months

Sunday 13th May 2012
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Awesome shots there.


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259 months

Saturday 19th May 2012
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I like the robins

my only adice is wipe that thick blue tits guano from your car before it eats through the paint smile


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259 months

Sunday 27th May 2012
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2slo said:
The 1st shot below is 560mm from about 12' away, the other 3 are 300mm from less than 6' away:

For us none bird watches would you mind naming the birds please smile

whats this little fella


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259 months

Sunday 27th May 2012
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Planet Claire said:
Not the greatest of photos, but here's Bob earlier this week before his release back into the wild.
He was found last year as a chick/young bird and the people who had him didn't have room for him so asked my dad to look after him (my dad looks after injured birds, although Bob was fit and healthy). Mum and dad believed that he should be released as he was still very timid of people. So with the good weather on the way they had him ringed last weekend and on Monday they opened his aviary door so that he could go when he wanted, and they would put food out for him for a couple of days just in case he struggled with life on the outside. Within half-hour he was back! However, he went again and has not been back since. Perhaps that's him Number31?!



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42,655 posts

259 months

Sunday 17th June 2012
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Pictures keep getting better on this thread loving the birds of prey and that Jay.


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259 months

Sunday 24th June 2012
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What is it?

Can you make the watermark a bit smaller Like to see it talons on the first one.


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Sunday 24th June 2012
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259 months

Saturday 11th August 2012
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Love that


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259 months

Monday 17th September 2012
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Love it.

Excellent timing.


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259 months

Sunday 25th November 2012
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nellyleelephant said:

20121031-WU2E0141-2 by nellyleelephant, on Flickr

Sea Eagle, Portree, Skye.
Wow that is one bad ass looking bird.


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259 months

Saturday 2nd February 2013
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T180985 said:
heres a couple wildlife shots ive taken over the past few months

Cockerell by T180985, on Flickr
Love that


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42,655 posts

259 months

Sunday 17th February 2013
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2slo said:
A couple of mine from this past week:

Chaffinch by 2slo7, on Flickr
love this one


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259 months

Saturday 2nd March 2013
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wolves_wanderer said:
I make no claim to these being brilliant photos but add them for a different viewpoint. They were taken from 1500ft over Chippenham yesterday and are crops from a D800 with a 70-200mm f2.8 (at the 200mm end!). They had to be manually focused as the autofocus obviously picked up the background.

Those are great. dont think I've seen pictures of birds of prey from above like that before.


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42,655 posts

259 months

Sunday 12th April 2015
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Brilliant. Thanks.