The birds they mock me



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259 months

Monday 29th November 2010
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Excellent smile


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259 months

Monday 20th December 2010
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KemP said:
Taken in Helsinki a couple of years ago. I think the little chaps were quite hungry.



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259 months

Tuesday 28th December 2010
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These pics just get better and better awsome shots being posted.


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259 months

Wednesday 5th January 2011
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tenex said:
4Lmike said:
Sorry it's not a more interesting bird...
Maybe not but the expression more than makes up for it.
It looks really pissed off.
I like it.
doesn't it just you can almost read its mind.

Yeah great pic


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42,655 posts

259 months

Wednesday 5th January 2011
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Thats right bring us all down why don't you.

Its not pissed off its nearly dead, cheers for that.


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259 months

Thursday 24th March 2011
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Number31 said:
The photo was shot from about 4m with a 400mm lens then cropped, I use this and shorter lenses when tethered to my laptop to get up close :-


I saw something new today in the garden couldnt identify it, it had a flash of pink I hope it stick around so I can get some shots of it.


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259 months

Thursday 24th March 2011
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lol no it was smallish I 'think' it was a chafinch. But I know nothing of these things so it could be anything. I rekon Id know a jay though.

I only noticed it because I heard a new song it was really loud looked over and there was this new bird. I never get anything exotic.

The robins from when I sarted this thread dissapreard which actually upset me(yes Im a big girl) the blue tits dont come around too much any more despite having juicy worms for them frown


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259 months

Thursday 7th April 2011
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Rich they are awesome.

Has it folded its wings in knowing its going to land in teh right place on that last one?


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259 months

Friday 6th May 2011
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Finaly something exotic. Ok not for you lot but I have only ever seen blue tits,robins and bloody starlings so its exotic for me.

pics not brill and taken through glass because I can't open the wondow where they go.

edit fs just notice the other one hididing at the back of the feeder

Edited by Pesty on Friday 6th May 17:40


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259 months

Friday 6th May 2011
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There are only pics of the goldfinches. Only took them because they are something new(to me). Never ever seen anything other than blue tits or robins so I got a little excited.
They are really pretty.

Oh apart from the pink thing I caught a breif glimpse of a few weeks ago but it has never came back.

Edited by Pesty on Friday 6th May 17:47


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42,655 posts

259 months

Friday 6th May 2011
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Dogsey said:
Nice Phil, you've improved loads since the beginning of this thread and also inspired some fantastic photo's along the way.

They are quite under exposed I will work on that. Expect loads of goldfinch pics of various brightnes in the coming days smile

I saw them in that tree a few weeks ago so bought some seed they eat. never saw them back until today so it was a bit of a rush for the camera which i have not used for months but at least I managed to possition the feed to get close.


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42,655 posts

259 months

Friday 6th May 2011
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Fantastic shot that smile I would not have even thought to get the camera out Well done smile


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259 months

Monday 30th May 2011
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could it be a chifchaf?


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259 months

Friday 10th June 2011
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Number 31 all those are excellent!

the colours on those puffin shots are amazing.


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259 months

Friday 17th June 2011
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Can anybody ID this for me? turned up recently. Has teh same yellow flash as the goldfinches but not teh red face

some more goldfinches smile


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259 months

Friday 17th June 2011
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tenex said:
Pesty, still a Goldfinch but just a youngster. The red head will develop.

Id never even seen one before now that tree is always full of them. They love that seed. I just don't know how they manage to put so much of it away.

Colin those are excellent.

Edited by Pesty on Saturday 18th June 11:58


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42,655 posts

259 months

Monday 20th June 2011
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Excellent shots.


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42,655 posts

259 months

Friday 7th October 2011
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whats this then. found walking around hotel car park not really giving a toss.

just a PAS didnt bring my DLSR moveing to a different hotel soon called fish eagle manor. doh! I didnt put 2 and 2 together frown


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42,655 posts

259 months

Friday 7th October 2011
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yeah could be thanks.


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259 months

Thursday 27th October 2011
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Whitefly Swatter said:
A Buzzard being buzzed
