==TransporTed== (I've had a stupid idea - any interest? )

==TransporTed== (I've had a stupid idea - any interest? )



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29,449 posts

282 months

Sunday 23rd July 2006
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Seek help Rob

Excellent pics

When you've decided, e mail the photo to completed@transported.me.uk with a name, date, location and title (or if it's 750 wide, I'll just grab it from here) and I'll bung it on the site.


(PS I like the one where he's thinking about plummiting to his death, rather than the one of him doing it)

Edited by GetCarter on Sunday 23 July 22:15


Original Poster:

29,449 posts

282 months

Monday 24th July 2006
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UKBob said:

Do I have to send him to Up The Dubs today

Sooner the better methinks.


Original Poster:

29,449 posts

282 months

Tuesday 1st August 2006
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I think 'Up The Dubs' has him.. so they are probably both on the black stuff


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29,449 posts

282 months

Tuesday 1st August 2006
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I think Ted gets the best deal here (except for the poo & freeze with UKBob)


Original Poster:

29,449 posts

282 months

Tuesday 1st August 2006
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I need to lose the stone I lost when I ordered the Caterham R500!


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29,449 posts

282 months

Friday 4th August 2006
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Nice pic!

In case you have sent one to the TransporTed address, I'm away until Monday



Original Poster:

29,449 posts

282 months

Saturday 19th August 2006
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Pimp my Ted! hehe

I've no idea where he is - Dubs has done a runner I think.


Original Poster:

29,449 posts

282 months

Sunday 10th September 2006
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I'm guessing that the lack of mails from young Dubs means that Ted has to be eliminaTed, so will have to be substituTed.

I'm working on his younger brother to see if he'll continue the journey.

Dubs, If you find said Ted, e mail me, and I'll send you a snail mail address, and perhaps you could you send him back to me - we don't want two Teds out there, it would be far too complicaTed.




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29,449 posts

282 months

Monday 18th September 2006
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I'm having trouble persuading him.

Bears can be SO stubborn.


Original Poster:

29,449 posts

282 months

Tuesday 19th September 2006
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trackdemon said:
If he fancies a little trip to Mauritius for some autumn sunshine, send him my way!!

I'm not that big, can I come instead?


Original Poster:

29,449 posts

282 months

Tuesday 26th September 2006
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We are a bit screwed at present as I've been trying to get a replacement TED from the manufacturer... but they are not able to supply - as it's a deleTED line.

My present plan is to start another Ted Thread with another Ted.... but the fact is, someone else will probably lose him!

Dubs... any chance of finding our wee friend or have you lost him big time?



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29,449 posts

282 months

Wednesday 27th September 2006
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Dubs has gone quiet... so probably not.


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29,449 posts

282 months

Wednesday 27th September 2006
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I've e mailed him.... If he's lost, we decide which tyre to let down first


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29,449 posts

282 months

Wednesday 8th November 2006
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blimey. That's a result.

Dubs was going to send him to me but I think Tony was next so I'm e mailing you (Tony) with Dubs mail to me (with contact details). Get Dubs to send Ted sent straight to you and then decide where he should go after that.

I'll re-inste the website. unless I've already deleTED it?

edit to add... site back up... with Dubs initial pic added



Edited by GetCarter on Wednesday 8th November 14:37


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29,449 posts

282 months

Wednesday 8th November 2006
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madazrx7 said:

Do we need to add our name to a list of willing hosts?


I think you just did.


Original Poster:

29,449 posts

282 months

Wednesday 8th November 2006
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reminder (as it was so long ago, I can't even remember)

pics to compleTed@TransporTed.me.uk - 750 px wide would be ideal.


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29,449 posts

282 months

Wednesday 15th November 2006
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staceyb said:
So I take it he's tiny Ted then? I'm sure I'll be able to sort him something out. thumbup

Good work!

he is 5 cm tall - check out where I bought him... www.barebears.co.uk/page3Shop/detailpages/WeeDesInfo.html


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29,449 posts

282 months

Wednesday 15th November 2006
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...which makes what you did to her even more unforgivable.


Original Poster:

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282 months

Thursday 16th November 2006
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TonyHetherington said:

Do note my disclaimer above about when he is arriving (still nothing yet)

Don't tell me Dubs has lost him again?!


Original Poster:

29,449 posts

282 months

Friday 17th November 2006
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That's a great shot Tony... are you going to send that as well as one from the gang at BTAP?

if so.. 750 wide would be perfect

Edited by GetCarter on Friday 17th November 23:12