Why are there so few car photographs?

Why are there so few car photographs?



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Wednesday 3rd July 2013
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have mine and the next guy or gal will have theirs. That's why we are all here ... posting our thoughts and opinions.

If I were to say that I don't think Porsche can make a good looking car and that their cars look the same, would that be spiteful or shameless? Some would agree and others wouldn't.

GFW has amazing photoshop skills and is obviously very very talented in this area. I personally don't believe that his skills behind a camera are anywhere near his skills behind a computer that's all. 90% of his images just don't look real to me and the other 10% when he uses little or no PS I just don't think are very imaginative. Maybe he knows this and this is why he heavily photoshops everything so much?

I'm just not a big fan of his style that's all and when compared to people like Dean Smith or Tim Wallace (who also use photoshop but the after results look more natural but equally dramatic) he's just not in there league.

Who knows, GFW and his style may be the face f the future. I personally hope not.

As for posting negative comments ... If you can't cope the anything other than adulation and praise, don't post your images.
After all your supposed to be a pro.


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143 months

Wednesday 3rd July 2013
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GFWilliams said:
The difference is whether the comment is constructive or not.
The good thing about open forums is that individuals can make comments ... constructive or not.
As I don't like brussel sprouts do I have to make constructive criticism about them too or can I say I don't like them and I prefer cabbage?

GFWilliams said:
I would ask that you please don't post to me or about me in the future as clearly you don't ever have anything nice to say.
Firstly, I don't believe that I've ever posted directly to you on this forum and secondly, if you post an image on an open forum I'm entitled to post if I don't like it just as others can post if they do like it.
I think you need to get over yourself if you think you can tell people what they can and can't post.
If you put yourself out there, expect both praise and criticism constructive or not.


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143 months

Thursday 11th July 2013
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Blukoo said:
Both cracking shots, and a beautiful car. Is there any reason you've been shooting this a lot recently? A new purchase? A friends? You know where the keys are hidden? laugh

I can't decide between the two, but I'd remove the power lines. They definitely don't add anything to the shot.

Edit: After a little thought, the orange light polluted sky looks a little odd. Apologies for editing your shot without permission, but what do you think to a dark blue sky?


Edited by Blukoo on Thursday 11th July 18:09
I love what you did with that. All the tones just flow ... Perfection.


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240 posts

143 months

Thursday 19th September 2013
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GFWilliams said:
4Lmike said:
What a nice way to provide some constructive criticism...rolleyes
No need to be an arse, I've met Mike before, I'm sure he can take a bit of feedback.
Why should he? You can't and you call yourself a pro?


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240 posts

143 months

Thursday 19th September 2013
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I'm loving the purple 'on' purlple. A V8 in a TVR and a blonde and a basque, does it get any better that?


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143 months

Friday 20th September 2013
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4Lmike said:
PPPPPP said:
4Lmike said:
GFWilliams said:
Mikeblue22 said:
Mike, please don't use the photoshop flare!
What a nice way to provide some constructive criticism...rolleyes
GFW did not have to comment, I got the impression he was being helpful to someone he has previously met. Love this thread.
No he didn't have to comment.

I just felt the need to say something as the only comments I've ever seen him make on other people's car photos are always negative, and most of the time they're not worded in a friendly way. Yet when he receives constructive criticism or personal opinions on his photos he can't accept it. Anyway, let's move on...
what he said ... I've met GFW (once) and he's a very very confident chap for someone so young and so new to the world of making money from photography.
Does meeting someone once give you the right to think you know more than that person and that you can speak to them arrogantly? If so ... 'Rock On'


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240 posts

143 months

Friday 20th September 2013
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ls3steve said:
Few from last night.. first time doing shots at night

I love Lambos ... their colours are always amazing!


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143 months

Friday 20th September 2013
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GFWilliams said:
Think you guys are reading into my comment too much, was just a little bit of advice.

Steve, please stop having a go at me with personal digs every time I comment on this thread, it's very unprofessional.
I'm not having a personal dig at all ... It's a shame you took it that way. Perhaps these comments save touched a nerve?

Anyway, you could always stop posting on my thread if you're not happy with comments on here you know.

Edited by TheBlondeFella on Friday 20th September 19:31


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240 posts

143 months

Friday 20th September 2013
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Mermaid said:
TheBlondeFella said:
..Anyway, you could always stop posting on my thread if you're not happy with comments on here you know.
It is a thread for everyone, thanks for starting it. beer
... and the more the merrier. Unless you're an over sensitive whinging git!


Original Poster:

240 posts

143 months

Saturday 21st September 2013
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GFWilliams said:
TheBlondeFella said:
... and the more the merrier. Unless you're an over sensitive whinging git!
Please stop with comments like these Steve. I'm not going to stop contributing to a thread because you've got a problem with me and I don't think I'm being over sensitive, all I've asked is you stop having a go at me.

The thread isn't yours, that's not how Pistonheads works. Pistonheads is a community which is suppose to be friendly and there are forum rules which state not to deliberately provoke arguments or reignite arguments that have ceased or use the forums to harass other members.
Sorry George, I'll post what I think is appropriate. My comments have never been abusive, they are just my thoughts and views.

How can you you be upset this time for me stating that you are "very very confident for one so young"?
Most people without complexes would take that as a compliment!

As for the comment regarding this being 'my thread' ... couldn't you hear the sarcasm in the comment? rolleyes

Edited by TheBlondeFella on Saturday 21st September 07:31


Original Poster:

240 posts

143 months

Saturday 21st September 2013
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PPPPPP said:
Mikeblue22 said:
I think GFW has done me a favor, lots of talk about one of my posts!!!

Result thumbup

Good learning for everyone.


Original Poster:

240 posts

143 months

Sunday 22nd September 2013
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[quote=Janesy B]Sorry but that just sounds like a really crap attempt at trolling.

... whatever trolling is I obviously need to try harder.

And if you don't think that GFW can create that type of flare in post production then you're very naive as his skills in that area are truly outstanding.

Edited by TheBlondeFella on Sunday 22 September 10:35


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240 posts

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Sunday 22nd September 2013
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So I thought I load one to show both I and a Nissan Qashqai have a sense of humour.

Please feel free to trash talk it as much as you like ...


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143 months

Thursday 26th September 2013
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tim-b said:
Just posted this in the random photos thread, but pretty chuffed with it so I wanted to show it here too tongue out

It's from the Spa 6 Hours last weekend....it was looking like clouds had scuppered the hope of a beautiful sunset, but shortly after the sky started to 'glow'....

GT40, Spa Six Hours 2013 by motion_captured, on Flickr
That's really nice ...captures everything!


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240 posts

143 months

Friday 4th October 2013
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trackdemon said:
Haha actually almost none biggrin First shot was taken with a slow enough shutter speed to blur any rain drops, only a few were highlighted by the burst of flash. The moving shots are pretty slow shutter speeds with natural light so the rain itself is blurred, just needed to wipe the front element between every shot...
I love Chobham ... 'The Snake' so many memories ... not the same now though since the MOD sold it.

Great shots by the way ... who needs sunshine eh?


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240 posts

143 months

Monday 7th October 2013
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trackdemon said:
Shot this beautiful Aventador a couple of weeks ago, absolute joy to photograph, such a wonderful shape...

Some more here if interested.. http://www.stevehallphotography.net/AVENTADOR
A great set. You also have some awesome shots on your website too.


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240 posts

143 months

Saturday 25th January 2014
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pixelpimp said:
A couple of recent images for Oakley Design

I like this too ...

Nice pic with a normal car will always take more skill than a average pic with a prestige car.


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240 posts

143 months

Saturday 25th January 2014
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kman said:
A bit flat for me ... Add some contrast to improve its depth and it will be awesome.


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143 months

Saturday 25th January 2014
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CY88 said:
Doing a classic pic a day for 2014 on flickr - a few from my recents

Edited by CY88 on Thursday 23 January 10:44
Love this one too


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240 posts

143 months

Wednesday 12th February 2014
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Chebs said:
Awesome . I love your work Dean.