Drone Pics



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1,802 posts

214 months

Sunday 9th July 2017
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One from Noss Head Lighthouse.
Noss Head Lighthouse. by Squiffy1308, on Flickr


Original Poster:

1,802 posts

214 months

Monday 2nd October 2017
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Another from Noss Head.
Sea View by Squiffy1308, on Flickr


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1,802 posts

214 months

Wednesday 29th November 2017
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Possibly the best photo so far from the Mavic.
Ben Hope by Squiffy1308, on Flickr


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1,802 posts

214 months

Friday 26th January 2018
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GetCarter said:
That place needs a Bypass.silly


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1,802 posts

214 months

Saturday 5th May 2018
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Glos by Squiffy1308,

Gloucestershire this afternoon.


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1,802 posts

214 months

Sunday 6th May 2018
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Thanks thumbup


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1,802 posts

214 months

Saturday 9th June 2018
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A first for me, and I'm finally starting to like the Mavic too.
They're Here by Squiffy1308, on Flickr


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1,802 posts

214 months

Monday 11th June 2018
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As you can see, I've been playing again. biggrin
Crop Circle 2 by Squiffy1308, on Flickr


Original Poster:

1,802 posts

214 months

Thursday 5th July 2018
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Well we finally did it..... The house in the centre of the photo is now our new home. biggrin Portskerra, Sutherland. ( The long house with Poo brown porch to be precise.) biglaugh


Original Poster:

1,802 posts

214 months

Thursday 5th July 2018
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GetCarter said:
Excellent! We are almost neighbours! (4 hours each way is a trifle)
We must do lunch at Kylesku sometime. thumbup


Original Poster:

1,802 posts

214 months

Thursday 5th July 2018
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GetCarter said:
That's a good plan.
We’ll be up there full time mid September, anytime after that is good for me.


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1,802 posts

214 months

Monday 8th October 2018
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Inbetween the showers and the fighting the wind.
Armadale Harbour by Squiffy1308, on Flickr


Original Poster:

1,802 posts

214 months

Saturday 1st December 2018
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tenohfive said:
Not sure this question merits it's own thread:

I think I've somehow and wholly inadvertently got the green light to (at some point) get a drone for photography from SWMBO. No time soon, probably 6 months or so into the future.

Can anyone recommend a cheap (£30-40 with spare batteries) drone to get some practice with? Right now I've got my eye on the Syma X5C as an entry drone to practice/crash/lose as a starter, is there anything else worth considering?
That’s not a bad choice to start with, get the crashing out of the way early with a cheap one. You can get extra batteries for the X5C for around £20 for four with a charger. Don’t expect any usable video or images from it, just enjoy playing and getting to grips with non gps flight. You’ll be amazed how easy it is fly your “good” one when you buy it. biggrin


Original Poster:

1,802 posts

214 months

Monday 24th December 2018
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I ventured out and braved the cold this afternoon.
Dusk over Strathy Point by Squiffy1308, on Flickr


Original Poster:

1,802 posts

214 months

Friday 25th January 2019
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Portskerra Sunset by Squiffy1308, on Flickr

I managed to get out with my Inspire after having it repaired at Heliguy. smile


Original Poster:

1,802 posts

214 months

Saturday 20th April 2019
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Reflections by Squiffy1308, on Flickr
The Road to Laxford Bridge.


Original Poster:

1,802 posts

214 months

Sunday 31st May 2020
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Original Poster:

1,802 posts

214 months

Tuesday 2nd June 2020
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GetCarter said:
Very nice. It's always been bone dry when I pass that. Must get timing better!
It was a bit worrying flying in from the road. biggrin I shall return and try and do it justice one day.


Original Poster:

1,802 posts

214 months

Tuesday 2nd June 2020
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Lazermilk said:
Was out a walk with the dog and passing over a bridge with a small stream below I spotted a snake in the water with something in its mouth, got the drone out quick to try and film it and all went pretty well i thought, until i got home and discovered it hadn't actually been recording!

User error i'm sure, but it did seem to be recording at the time, it was the first time I have used it in ages though!
Been there, done that. thumbup


Original Poster:

1,802 posts

214 months

Monday 11th October 2021
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Byker28i said:
Only problem I found in Scotland was bravery over water, and the weather. Sometimes it felt too windy to risk it, didn't want to fly it in drizzle. Being small though I did manage to pilot it through a gap in trees to get video of a waterfall and fly it back again...

I am finding it's opening up a whole new possibility of photography
Flying over water is fine, no line of sight problems for the signal and little chance of electrical interference from technology either. I do know what you mean though thumbup My good lady had a fit when I had a DJI Inspire 500m out over the North Sea at Noss Head. biglaugh