Diablo 4 (+Early Release)

Diablo 4 (+Early Release)



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Friday 2nd June 2023
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Anyone jumped on this early release yet or planning on it come release date?

Heard mixed reviews but I'm eagerly looking forward to it!

Loved 2 as a kid and enjoyed 3 despite its 'shiny-ness'


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Saturday 3rd June 2023
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I played about 15 minutes of the Beta when I had a spare weekend, then decided like yourself, I want it all to be new to me on full release! So glad I did, I blasted a few hours last night and thoroughly enjoying it!

Diablo 3 is worth a shot at it if you didn’t experience the end game stuff, the rift challenges are addicting for sure.

4 is definitely different though! Not a necessity to play 3 first unless you dig on the lore of games I guess!

Suns out again so its getting shelved for a few days now smile


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Thursday 8th June 2023
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I understand the frustration, the game is very go here do this level up in the early stages, but Diablo is about the end game usually!

Im at 40 now, pushing through the story on tier 1 is probably the best option in hindsight, level up easily enjoy the story and progress to the end game content!


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Monday 19th June 2023
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54 Sorceress out of a trial (Never really played magic classes to any extent before) and I have to say end-game isnt for me with this!

Re-rolled a barb, 22 so far and blitzing through the story and using this as my "main"

Interested as to when seasons will come out!


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Tuesday 18th July 2023
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I must say I am a little dissapointed with D4. I absolutely loved D3 once they updated the game with the Nephalem Rifts. The replay ability of that game and the instant gratification of dungeon clearing was what kept me going back time and time again. D4 seems an absolute slog to get through, the story is great, and the changes to an open world map with interesting side quests is a nice change of pace, however, the end game is mind numbing.

Nightmare dungeons have barely any mobs in them, spread apart, poor elite monsters; completely disengaging.
Random events are good, but the loot system is poor, I shouldnt be getting level 52 items drop on T3 as a level 60!
Helltide events are good at first, but after a while it becomes a little desperate, logging in to hopefully improve 1 item of my gear with boring content.

D3 was instant dungeon, amazing fun, high loot options.

I hope Season 1 addresses some of these short comings, I heard Season 2 is pegged as the big game changer.

Ill return for S1 end of the month but I havent had my playstation on since i stopped playing almost 3 weeks ago!

Ill roll barb for S1, its always been my go-to class in WOW and Diablo, Melee all the way for me


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106 months

Monday 24th July 2023
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Sixsixtysix said:
I played the new season for about 5 minutes and then realised I just don't want to go back to the start again, even if the story is slightly different. I rarely make alts so I'm happy to stick to the eternal server.

I'm only tinkering for a bit until Baldurs Gate 3 comes out in a few weeks - can't wait for that!
If you finish the campaign on the eternal realm you can then skip the campaign forever more on any new character! If you have a "main" I would rush to complete the campaign asap, from there any new character, seasonal or not, can skip the campaign at the title screen. You can even start a new character, complete a few hours of the campaign to help you get items and XP, then skip the campaign!

I played a few hours on Thursday&Friday evening of season 1. Absolutely love it compared to the eternal realm.

The caged hearts offer me nothing as a leveling barb but the new features etc are enjoyable, having a challenge board and rewards via the battle pass is encouraging to devote a few hours into it, and the new items etc are quite fun.

Definitely given me a boost for the game and hopeful for the future seasons to come.

Hope they add set items in a few seasons time!


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Tuesday 25th July 2023
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Sycamore said:
How is the seasonal realm different to the eternal one?

I'm level ~40 and playing as a rogue which I'm really enjoying. It'll probably become my "main" character, although when I complete the campaign and play seasons I'll try out a different class. I've no idea what I fancy yet though - Probably Necromancer as I always love big AOE/clusterfk builds, so having a bunch of dead guys fighting for me will be cool.
Theres new questlines, dungeons are different, theres new enemies and dynamics. It seems to flow more dynamically! My fave is always barb/melee characters and I avoided at the start of D4 and played sorceress, hated it!

Now running a barb (currently 36) and while its clearly the worst class to play currently, I am thoroughly enjoying it!


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Wednesday 26th July 2023
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Aces_High said:
I’m at my (half-) wit’s end.

Lvl 46, trying to beat Lilith but can’t quite manage last phase, so I teleported out to visit a blacksmith to repair weapons, do side quests (in other towns…so maybe I lost a portal back?) to earn cash to buy elixirs and look for rubies to help with fire resistance (if only I hadn’t dropped loads to save space….!).

Then I try to teleport back in….only to find I can only start at Caldeum again, in the Imperial Palace. I need to do the entire final level again?! That’s pretty galling.

I do find getting around the map, closing down at the right time etc, a bit fiddly. I probably back-track through completed dungeons when I could teleport, or assume I can teleport when I can’t, all the time. This is my first Diablo game. Should I be able to teleport closer to that final phase? Maybe I missed opening a waypoint frown. Must admit doing all the hard yards in ****, one more time, is a bit off-putting.

Have enjoyed the game a lot, though Elden Ring definitely on top for me (and Witcher 3 best of all….). Playing on PS5. Not sure if I’ll go for the New Season once/if I complete this, though tempted.

Edited by Aces_High on Tuesday 25th July 09:07

Edited by Aces_High on Tuesday 25th July 09:08
When you teleported out, did you use the town portal? (Down on the control pad I believe) or did you select map and then select a waypoint?

If you use the town portal it leaves the return portal open to go back to the exact location you left!
It’s been a while since I did Lilith now so I can’t quite recall the specific location or how the fight went to be honest!

If you scale down the world level, and max out your renown in all the areas you firstly increase your potion capacity which greatly helps, at 45 you can increase the strength of these too, but secondly, you gain extra skill points which you could use for survivability without your class


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Thursday 27th July 2023
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I believe in you bud!
Its worth knocking it out the park just so you can roll a different class if youre not enjoying what youre playing currently, and skip the campaign and get into the seasonal stuff, which is so much more enjoyable!


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Thursday 27th July 2023
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Seriously let it down with the gems and hearts didn’t it!

I broke 51 with a quick hour before evening meal today, in nightmare world tier 3 as a barb it’s getting pretty difficult!

I don’t quite have all the gear for the whirlwind build yet but it’s getting there!

There’s a season objective to equip legendary in every slot… I’ve not once had a legendary glove this entire character! I’ve done 2 helltides collecting glove chests with 0 legendary, and I’ve also done the whispering tree a mountain of times for gloves when the option is there, STILL no legendary glove!

Damn this thing biggrin


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Friday 28th July 2023
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MickC said:
axel1990chp said:
Seriously let it down with the gems and hearts didn’t it!

I broke 51 with a quick hour before evening meal today, in nightmare world tier 3 as a barb it’s getting pretty difficult!

I don’t quite have all the gear for the whirlwind build yet but it’s getting there!

There’s a season objective to equip legendary in every slot… I’ve not once had a legendary glove this entire character! I’ve done 2 helltides collecting glove chests with 0 legendary, and I’ve also done the whispering tree a mountain of times for gloves when the option is there, STILL no legendary glove!

Damn this thing biggrin
Really weird about the gloves, i've got boxes of legendary gear with aspects I might want but didn't spend the dosh on yet to extract, anyway if you are lvl51 you can make your own legendary gloves, just find a pair of decent sacred rare ones, and put an aspect on it, and PING! legendary.

Yes the gems thing still sucks. I just don't have the self discipline to leave them lying on the ground smile
Mick…. I feel so bloody stupid hahaha! Soon as I read that a lightbulb went off!

Guess I’ll get to that straight away!

I’d like to have the commitment to power a few hours to get into the tier 4 stuff but I think it’s too much time and effort to do it before the end of the season!


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Sunday 30th July 2023
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MickC said:
How are you finding season 1? Worth re-rolling and playing?

I'm still doing the original Eternal campaign. Do all your bonuses for area achievements and alters etc carry over to the new season? I'm guessing not because its a different realm? But then why did Blizzard encourage everyone to complete campaign and all alters and map etc?
I’ve been really enjoying it! Had the weekend off it for the most part, I’m at 52 now and the grind begins but so far it’s been so much easier and enjoyable!
I’d definitely say reroll and start on tier 1. Run the campaign for the first 10 levels and then exit to main menu - on your character selection screen you can skip campaign from there and just go about your business!

The way points, area discovery and altars stay throughout, but the dungeons side quests etc don’t carry over to seasonal realm. I’d definitely say before you jump onto seasons to find every altar!


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Monday 31st July 2023
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MickC said:
I tried a druid on S1. it was brutal, till i realised i was in a lvl20 area at lvl11. That never happened on the original run-through, it always scaled with lvl. Anyway i am not sure whether to keep playing the druid, roll a necro/barb, or go back and get sorc to 70 to open hell.

I don't have all the alters, but since the mount is unlocked its not difficult to get them on lvl18 toon now. Just have to know where the damn things are, which kinda defeats the object
id suggest barb ive been having a storm, Rend and HOTA build until Whirlwind is effective!

I googled some maps of the altars and just ran through them, ASAP!


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Monday 21st August 2023
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Don Roque said:
Sorry to hear you got filtered, what level did you make it to out of interest? Until you hit level 50 and 'finish' your skill tree with the extra points from the area rewards and then start pathing on the paragon board you won't feel overpowering. However, once you get to that point and you get some good legendaries with mods that you want on them you can start to shred mobs and melt elites and bosses.

I've got a level 67 poison barrage/trapper rogue on the go in S1 at the moment. It can shred mobs and absolutely melt bosses, in fact the DPS is massively higher than I was putting out with my 1.0 frost sorceress but I preferred that build more (I've always loved playing frost sorc in Diablo/PoE/Grim Dawn etc).

D4 is great for being something you can totally chill out and play without thinking too much. I love PoE equally but that's a different sort of experience, being more arcade-y to control but requiring much more thought and consideration for gearing. D4 is more just 'click here, screen explodes and loot rains down'.

FWIW both games don't drop much at the moment but at least D4 addresses that with Tree of Whispers chests and Helltide chests.
I have to echo this; I was thinking the exact thing only last night. Playing my sorc up to 57 I hated it, mainly I didn't gel with the class but also my gearing was poor for any build. The drops I was getting was horrendous!

Fast forward to S1, I sucked up the pain through 45-53, then all of a sudden things started to click. Drops started coming thick and thin and with gear and paragon my build started to really shine. I'm seriously enjoying the game again.

I've had a good week off from playing as I was at a festival & recovering, but I blasted out a solid 4 hours yesterday evening and I didn't want to turn it off. What a difference a patch makes, eh?!

Sticking with the Melee theme I'll be trying out Rogue in S2 and Druid in S3!

Side note: they REALLY need a gem tab and a caged heart tab. It's borderline infuriating!


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Thursday 24th August 2023
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Hooked - to say the least.

My build is coming together well, breeze through T3 content now, just trying to improve a few more items on my way to level 65 (Im 62 now) and ill head into the next capstone and aim for T4!

Build is a bleed whirlwind. Rend Rupture Whirlwind and shouts. The only thing im really lacking is creating vulnerable enemies, and critical strike chance. Not sure how I can build that up but I'm still figuring it out!

Chest and 2H sword help my build greatly, and my legendary affixes promote lots of Stunning and bleeding too!


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106 months

Friday 25th August 2023
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Sycamore said:
Friendly tip once you unlock world tier 4 (btw you can do the capstone dungeon with other people - usually randomers hanging round outside, invite them)

You can do the helltides on tier 3 and gather the cinders needed to open the chests for the loot, though you can log out, change the world tier to 4 on the start menu, and then log back in. You'll be where you left off, with all of the cinders, so you can open a world tier 4 chest instead for the better loot.
I absolutely love that biggrin

Wont be a while before I can play again now, busy weekend and a roadtrip to cornwall the following weekend.

My next stint i've already warned the missus will be a fair few hours - so 65 is next on the list then capstone as stated. I'll definitely jump on the group invite for it, then start making absolute use of the helltide hack! Thank you!


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106 months

Monday 4th September 2023
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Buttery Ken said:
As a complete newbie to the Diablo series I thought i'd give this a go. I skipped it when all my mates were playing it in the 90's as it looked too complicated!

I'm a level 11 Rogue. Enjoying it somewhat, but appreciate i'm right at the beginning.

Quick question - my character always seems to use the crossbow even if enemies are right next to him. Is that because it has higher DPS than the dual-wielded swords? Does it decide automatically which weapon to use? I can't see how to change it.

Evening bud! Can’t speak much for rogue especially as I’m waiting to play that for next season, but I THINK it’s because your skills selected in your skill tree are ranged attacks as opposed to close combat melee attacks!

Try re-speccing your skills to use different skills, it may allow you some more diversity in your character!

Just my uneducated opinion of course


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106 months

Monday 6th November 2023
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Switched off at 69 with my barb, was hitting a period of just running desperate for some RNG to make everything more interesting.

Have no desire to try S2 just yet, haven’t had much play time but the newest update on GT7 lured me in last Friday!
If I get some play time this Friday I think I’ll be jumping back into that!

Has the gem tab and sigil tab been sorted yet? Absolute travesty no Dev had the foresight for those at launch


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Tuesday 14th November 2023
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The Adventure mode of D3 was absolutely brilliant for trying new classes and doing the dungeon crawling thing. I never got tired of it, loved repeating the game just to try get the right drop.

There is no Adventure mode in this D4, it sucked the soul from me last season I think, and it started so promising!

If they introduce a new adventure mode with Season and set items that affect set builds id return. Until then im staying away!


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708 posts

106 months

Friday 28th June
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I picked this back up whilst on a major come down from a stag do in Ibiza.

The new season has absolutely crushed it, extremely fun to play, very involving and makes you feel powerful as soon as you get going!

I'd suggest anyone who has it jumps back in with a seasonal character, and anyone who has been debating the game, jump into it now.

Skip campaign comes after level 10 i believe, if you dont want to mess around and want to get stuck in - if youve already completed the campaign you can create a character that skips from level 1.

Helltides have changed, item systems have changed, dungeons have changed. I powered through to 68 in no time at all, which is 3 levels higher than I managed first time round! Thoroughly enjoying it, and cant wait to jump back on when next available.