

Original Poster:

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Friday 4th February 2022
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It's happening!

"What’s Next
With the unprecedented longevity of GTAV, we know many of you have been asking us about a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series. With every new project we embark on, our goal is always to significantly move beyond what we have previously delivered — and we are pleased to confirm that active development for the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series is well underway. We look forward to sharing more as soon as we are ready, so please stay tuned to the Rockstar Newswire for official details.

On behalf of our entire team, we thank you all for your support and cannot wait to step into the future with you!

- Rockstar Games!


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194 months

Friday 4th February 2022
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W201_190e said:
My bet is 2024.
Probably, when they announced GTA V it was a only a few weeks before the first trailer, it was a few months later before a second trailer with a release date about a year from the first one, but with the inevitable delays, it was almost 2 years from announcement to release.


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Thursday 10th February 2022
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bloomen said:
Griffith4ever said:
I loved the single player experience of GTA 5. I ignored the multiplayer side.
I wonder what their single player plans are. I would never buy a multiplayer only game.

Considering how much money their online side has made over the years I hope there's still someone batting for the singlies.
This is part internet rumour and part industry gossip, so more than a pinch of salt is needed. GTA and GTA Online are going to be separate, but obviously closely related things.

Online will broadly remain the same, based on the single player maps, edging even closer to games like Fortnite and PUBG et al, it may even go completely free-to-play soon, there's loads of money in those shark cards! Rumour has it that players will be able to free roam not only the GTA5 map, but the new GTA map and even GTA4, lots of updates with new missions, new vehicles etc.

The next GTA story game, probably won't be called 6. Rumours say it's called "GTA Vice" and lots of semi-reliable leaks also saying it's a reboot.

This has caused a lot of people to read "Vice" and "reboot" and think it's just going to be a reboot of Vice City, but I don't think that right, it's not a reboot like the latest Spiderman film, they're rebooting the whole series, setting aside some of the pillars of GTA, maybe moving away from a single or multiple protagonists, and the ability to play levels as Police etc.

The longest running rumour is it's going to be multi-map, split between a US city based on Miami and another based on Mexico.

Other than that, anything is possible, supposedly it's HUGE, not just map wise, pretty much every open world game has an overly large, but mostly featureless map these days, but the scope and ambition of the game is, well game changing.

Trailer due in weeks, rather them months apparently.

Edited by P-Jay on Thursday 10th February 15:31


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194 months

Wednesday 8th November 2023
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It's about time.

I don't know why I'm such a fanboy, I don't really play much these days, but I am!

Rumour, there's always rumours, is that the release date is closer than previous trailers because they held back to avoid the cruch and 'toxic workplace' of the past. Dunno about that, but I know I'll pre-order the st out of one of the expensive versions, and probally upgrade my Series S to a Series X just because.


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Wednesday 8th November 2023
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Killer2005 said:
Will be getting this on pre-order as soon as I can. Although, I can imagine it will be one of the most in demand games ever so it might be difficult.
I'll buy it digitally, there's little point to physical media for me these days.


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Thursday 9th November 2023
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the-norseman said:
I replayed 5 recently havent really touched online though.
It was never for me, open world was a cesspit, the missions were a repetitive grind to earn a few $ to buy the latest reskinned car or gun.

I don't like online gaming much at all really.


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Thursday 9th November 2023
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EK9_CTR said:
Peak GTA for me was San Andreas:

- Incredible map, scale and diversity
- '90s west coast setting
- Soundtrack (if you're an old school hip-hop guy like me)
- Storyline, characters etc.
- Memorable missions (that bloody train mission!)
- Great car selection too, Infernus (NSX) was always in my garage
- Lots of weapons, aircraft etc. including a learjet
- And you could even get a jetpack!

The other instalment I have fond memories of is GTA III. For a game released in 2001 it was ahead of its time.
SA was amazing, I was pretty disapointed when 4 came, much smaller map, no planes, very few helicopters etc. In fairness, SA was obviously limited by hardware, with iV they seemed to focus on detail and graphics.


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Friday 10th November 2023
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Leon R said:
EmailAddress said:
Leon R said:
GTA5 is the best GTA.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best rockstar game.

Neither are my favourite.
Interesting scratchchin

Wrong. But interesting wink
It isn’t though.

Every rockstar game is a better game than the one that proceeded it.
I'd argue, but it's logical.

RDR2 is amazing, once you tune into the 'unique' controlls.


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Friday 10th November 2023
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DaveTheRave87 said:
I have a horrible feeling that the "free" version of the game will be very limited and there'll be extra paid for DLC for things like new maps, cars and the ability to turn left.
Free version?

God I hope not, I want a paid for, complete story game.


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Friday 1st December 2023
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Sunday 3rd December 2023
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Jasandjules said:
All I need to know is when is release day and when can I pre-order !
Argos apparently dropped the ball and accidentally leaked the pre-order date will be the 12th of Dec. As it’s exactly a week after the first trailer it seems credible.

I’ll pre-order too, no there’s probably little tangible reason to, but I’m as excited as I was to get GTA 3 however long ago that was!

Q3/4 seems like the obvious release date, but I’m sure I’m right in saying that pretty much ever big R* release has been delayed.


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Monday 4th December 2023
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JimJobs81 said:
usn90 said:
I don’t know what the answer is but gta 5 came out 10 years ago, assuming 6 comes next year that’s over a decade since the last one, just way too long.

What if 6 is a flop, they have to get them out sooner
The company could bring out a new GTA every year with not much difference (e.g. like Apple with new iphone releases) and force consumers to shell out £60 a year for the latest version.

It is extremely admirable that they have not done so.
In fairness, it's taken 10 years to get this far partly because they were busy making $7.7bn from sharkcard sales on GTA Online. Online 'cost us' a scraped GTA 5 DLC and probally a good few years development on 6.


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Monday 4th December 2023
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ashleyman said:
I don't really enjoy the online part of GTA 5 and never really got into it. The story side though was brilliant and that's why I buy the games.

Hoping it either comes out this year for Christmas as I have 2 weeks off and could play it then, otherwise an autumn 2024 release could be quite good as it would align with a schedule op which means a week off which is perfect timing to have a new GTA to play!

Currently have an Xbox X but wouldn't rule out buying a PS5 if needed.
I would love it if R* said "Suprise muthafkers, it's coming out tomorrow!" but I don't see it happening.


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Monday 4th December 2023
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bobbo89 said:
Yeah I reckon on the run up to release there'll be a boom in people buying PS5's and Series X's just for GTA6 and I'll def be one of them.
This, I upgraded to a Series S when you couldn't get Series X anywhere. I'm very tempted to upgrade to a Series X just for GTA 6


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194 months

Tuesday 5th December 2023
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Fabric said:
Gary29 said:
bobbo89 said:
So given Rockstar like an October release that means we're pretty much 2 years off? Probably not far off a next-gen console by then!
Yep, best part of two years I'd wager.
My money’s on one of the last two Tuesdays in April ‘25. I have a sneaky feeling production and development is further ahead than people assume/they're letting on.
I agree, it should be before the end of Q1 2025 to meet their expected sales figures. I think it’s closer to 12 months than 24.


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Tuesday 5th December 2023
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It does look amazing, I am going to try to hold back my expectations, I don't think the GTAV that launched on the PS3 was as detailed or good looking as the first trailer was, same for RDR2.


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Tuesday 5th December 2023
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If scenes like this really are possible in-game, it's going to be spectacular!

I've noticed the Cheetah and the Comet(I think) look a lot closer to a Testarossa and 911 than ever before. The others seem lifted straight from GTA5


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Tuesday 5th December 2023
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DanL said:
I’ll reserve judgement on the social media bits until I see more of the game. It’s a useful framing device for a trailer, but (outside of cutscenes) I can’t see how what we saw in the trailer works as a game mechanic so I’m not going to get hung up on it yet.

I can imagine that a number of missions might have some sort of “do it for the views” satirical element to them.
SM was in GTA5, but this is R*, they're going to take the piss, make it super sleazy and no doubt there will be an incredibly irritating influencer that you get to kill.


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Tuesday 5th December 2023
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bobbo89 said:
P-Jay said:
If scenes like this really are possible in-game, it's going to be spectacular!

I've noticed the Cheetah and the Comet(I think) look a lot closer to a Testarossa and 911 than ever before. The others seem lifted straight from GTA5

Ocean View Hotel in the background there....
I think it's the psycho in me, but I see a scene like that, and I just wonder how much chaos you could cause by firing wilding into the air... or the pedestrians. Imagine the work that would be needed, to say have all those NPCs smashing into each other driving away, pedestrians scattering etc.


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194 months

Tuesday 5th December 2023
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ashleyman said:
UTH said:
P-Jay said:
bobbo89 said:
P-Jay said:
If scenes like this really are possible in-game, it's going to be spectacular!

I've noticed the Cheetah and the Comet(I think) look a lot closer to a Testarossa and 911 than ever before. The others seem lifted straight from GTA5

Ocean View Hotel in the background there....
I think it's the psycho in me, but I see a scene like that, and I just wonder how much chaos you could cause by firing wilding into the air... or the pedestrians. Imagine the work that would be needed, to say have all those NPCs smashing into each other driving away, pedestrians scattering etc.
As per the posts around social media, nobody would be running away or scattering, they'd all just turn and whip their phones out and stand like statues recording you. So I don't imagine that takes much computer power?

(I know nothing about game design and obviously my comment is a joke)
It would be funny if they did film you and then you got stars through social media. Or if you were filmed doing something and then got away and later in the game NPCs started spotting you from that video. Etc…
TBH... That's probably pretty likely for a GTA game. If it comes to pass, I'll be gunning for them.