Elite: Dangerous



Original Poster:

4,341 posts

178 months

Tuesday 6th November 2012
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I loved Elite as a kid, and love the more modern X3 games around the same idea as well, so I really hope this gets its backing and is not a flop



Original Poster:

4,341 posts

178 months

Tuesday 6th November 2012
quotequote all
motorizer said:
KrazyIvan said:
I really hope this gets its backing and is not a flop
You are kidding right?
I wouldn't be surprised to see this one break the kickstarter record

totlxtc said:
Was just about to post this up wink

They have my fiver!
Dont htink you get the game for a fiver, just a decal on your ship
I agree about the records thing ( I am sure there are many like me who now have a little disposable income to "waste" on nostalgia) but for the "flop" part only time will tell if its still true to the game play of the last two or if they get caught up in making it look pretty but plays crap.