


Original Poster:

727 posts

183 months

Thursday 16th September 2010
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Is anyone here an EverQuest player past or present?

I used to play up until about 2005, but I've recently been sucked back into playing on the Emulator project...just curious if anyone else played this old game smile


677 posts

240 months

Monday 20th September 2010
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EQ sucked up a whole load of my life from 1999-2004 - regularly ~50 hours a week evenings and weekends.

I started out on one of the US servers, but switched to Antonius Bayle when it opened. Spent a long time as officer and then guildleader of a 100 person+ raiding guild and did pretty much all of the content up to and including Planes of Power before quitting.

It was fun at the time, and no other MMORPG has come close for me, but until I retire from work and the kids leave home I can't see me having the time to devote to anything as time consuming again.



Original Poster:

727 posts

183 months

Monday 27th September 2010
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Ah yeah sounds familiar smile I was on Povar then moved to one of the euro servers...though can't remember which (think it may even have been AB!)

If you ever do fancy dipping your toes in to check it out for old times sake then here's some instructions on using the emulator -


There are a number of servers, but one of the most popular (and one I am on) is the EZ server...basically it has quite a few of the newer expansions enabled, but is much toned down than on live...so for example you can get to lvl 70 with maybe 5 to 10 hours of play (with no help)


11,822 posts

293 months

Monday 27th September 2010
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I played EQ2 for about 2 years - complete time sink which I loved and loathed in equal measure.

I promised myself I'd never re-install it....

...but now you've mentioned it hehe


1,349 posts

185 months

Monday 27th September 2010
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Played it for years, it's still the yardstick all other MMOs are measured against and instances/dungeons are all judged by level of "Cubic Chardokness".

Oh and Stig... EQ2 now has a free to play option....


Original Poster:

727 posts

183 months

Monday 27th September 2010
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oh the EZ server is still a massive time sink smile Just you don't spend as long leveling now! I must admit to being completely sucked back in again, but I am mostly enjoying it...it's also quite good in that you can have as many accounts as you like smile

give it a go...you know you want to wink


1,338 posts

209 months

Tuesday 14th January
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Holy old thread etc.

I downloaded Project 1999 over the weekend. There were about 300 people playing on the green server. It's (maybe not really) amazing how much I'd forgotten about the basics in the intervening 20 years since I last played. Good, free, fun though.