Quick Resume



Original Poster:

26,914 posts

271 months

Wednesday 22nd January
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Does anyone else have issues with Xbox quick resume? Across multiple games, I’d say more than half the time I get this:

We only have one Xbox, nothing is happening to the data. Annoying.


1,798 posts

131 months

Thursday 23rd January
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It is an EA game so probably requires an online connection so when the xbox it is turned off the connection probably drops and then needs restarting.

Does it happen with single player offline games?


Original Poster:

26,914 posts

271 months

Thursday 23rd January
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Are there such things (offline games, I mean)?

It does it with Indiana Jones, Train Sim World, GTA V (where it’s worse in that it needs a sign out / sign in to sort it).

I may disable the power saving. It’s really frustrating coming back to a game after an hour to have to reload from scratch. I mean, first world problems obvs but still.


1,798 posts

131 months

Friday 24th January
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Definitely wasn't an issue with Indy for me. I think you might be right with your power save settings.