How do you game?



Original Poster:

8,330 posts

289 months

Wednesday 1st January
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I've been gaming since 1977 when I was lucky enough to receive a Grandstand 2000 for Christmas.

It turned into a lifelong passion of TV Games, Consoles, 8 Bit Micro's, 16 Bit Machines and PC's right up to today probably like a lot of you reading my post !

I've amassed ( hoarded ) hundreds of games and I find myself in a position of flipping between them for the most part and very rarely actually 'getting into' a game.

I might spend a few hours then move onto something else coming back to the first game in a few years and having to start again rinse and repeat.

It's pretty unsatisfying.

So the question is how do you play ?

Choose a game and stick with it until it's completed or like me flit around your library not really accomplishing anything ?


17,132 posts

211 months

Wednesday 1st January
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Nope I find one and play it. And play it. And play it.

Hell Let Loose just now, I’ve barely played anything else in the last year


Original Poster:

8,330 posts

289 months

Wednesday 1st January
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Lefty said:
Nope I find one and play it. And play it. And play it.

Hell Let Loose just now, I’ve barely played anything else in the last year
Yeah this what I need to do ... I finish work in Feb so spare time to game wont be as limited and I can concentrate on the back cat !!


1,125 posts

155 months

Wednesday 1st January
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I only play one game at a time. Play it as through as much as I can (almost always complete, then a decent percentage of any extra content, if not everything) then move onto the next game.

Currently working my way through the Tomb Raider Remastered box and the extra levels, I'll do a guide to go back and get all the secrets, for example.

Sometimes I think I play like this because I can't be arsed to change the disk laugh

Yeah, never been one to try things for a few hours then move on. It's interesting though, how gamers operate differently.

I'm similar with big TV series, can't have loads on the go at once, rather concentrate on a couple


135 posts

149 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Depends on the game, single player I’ll stick with it till it’s done.

Multiplayer I float around a few games but always have 2 mainstays in fifa and an extraction shooter, previously tarkov but now delta force


1,755 posts

211 months

Thursday 2nd January
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IMO you just aren't finding any very good games. Once you find a good game it holds your attention and it becomes natural to only play it as soon as you power up your system. I flit from game to game and then find something worthwhile and it just takes all my focus and gaming time.

Currently I go between PUBG on PC and Dark Souls type games on my consoles.

What I have found as I get older (nearly 50), the standard of game required to properly hold my attention is very high. I also get worn out by cut scenes before I have even got invested in most games and just shelf them. So I need action quickly and good action too, where you feel challenged from the outset.


686 posts

216 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Whatever you do don't get into EvE!
I started playing that 20 years ago and still can't draw myself away from it.

Mostly I'll have 2 or 3 games on the go at once. So If I find a hard bit and tried it lots of times in different ways with mixed but not great success, I can move to a different game and think of how to beat the situation while in the other game. While getting my arse kicked in a different way!
This Christmas and new year period I have been on Warhammer Boltgun, Warhammer Space Marine 2, and Stalker 2. All fun and good to switch between.
And EvE, unfortunately biggrin


6,344 posts

102 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Been gaming since a kid in the 80's on our family C64. Back then it was far more casual (as we only had 1 TV in the house biggrin)

Moved on to an Amiga 1200, had it's own TV by then and that's when I started spending more time gaming, but only once I got my own PC that I started to get more serious, aiming to complete stuff like Quake 2, Half Life, GTA3, etc, plus sinking thousands of hours into stuff like Civ, Sim City and Champ Manager (Leyton Orient as multiple European Champions hehe) Thousands of hours and late night sessions.

Took a big step back for maybe 10 years due to work, family, house commitments, etc, and just didn't have the time or money to spend, so just tooled around casually on a basic non-gaming PC. It was about 8 years ago I treated myself to a decent spec gaming laptop, working my way through a few titles.

I still find it difficult to find the right game. I've sunk hundreds of hours into Cities Skylines, but found I can't be arsed with any football manager sim these days, despite the fact they have all the features I longed for when I was playing Champ manager 25 years ago. I loved RDR2, but it probably took me a couple of years to complete. Likewise GTA5, one of the first games I bought back when I got that laptop, yet I only got round to completing the main storyline over Christmas. I think stuff like this is almost "too much"...

Witcher 3 was a favourite, kept me engrossed and had to complete that. But a lot of the games I get into tend not to be the AAA titles, there's a few indie titles out there which I've enjoyed - Satellite Reign, Inside/Limbo, Banished. Over Christmas I've really started to enjoy XCOM2, it's probably one of the few games in recent years which has kept me up late into the night.


13,816 posts

104 months

Thursday 2nd January
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I've a lost of games I need to catch up on, like Cyberpunk 2077. Games I need to finish before the sequel, like The Outer Worlds and games I want but haven't even bought yet, like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 (and I want to replay the prequels too).

But I keep playing Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnaughts.

There just doesn't seem like there's enough time in the day for it, especially as work keeps getting in the way.


1,125 posts

155 months

Thursday 2nd January
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I think this is part of the reason I didn't enjoy FF7 Rebirth so much (too long, easy too much side content and very repetitive structure of areas) even though it was very widely praised, and why I've been liking playing the Tomb Raider Remastered box, because you can just dive in for half an hour and complete a level and feel like you've made tangible progress without getting overwhelmed.


6,344 posts

102 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Checkmate said:
Whatever you do don't get into EvE!
I started playing that 20 years ago and still can't draw myself away from it.
I've attempted it a few times over the years, really want to get into it but something just holds me back each time. I do the tutorial and a few NPC missions, and then get lost knowing what to do next.

I think it stems from really enjoying playing Frontier back in the 90's, and was hoping to capture something along those lines. Obviously in more recent years Elite Dangerous has been released, it's currently in my library but I've not got past the tutorial as I struggle with the basic movement, just doesn't feel intuitive to me, plus I end up suffering from motion sickness getmecoat


1,888 posts

158 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Been gaming since the 70’s, always preferred slower paced games to shoot em ups and platform games. Always had a soft spot for space sims, from the original Elite to the Wing Commander series. Gone through every version of Civilisation, I still remember an early review of the original game that questioned the longevity of the format smile

Went through several years of WoW addiction, but managed to kick the habit. Got quite into Cities Skyline and currently playing a lot of Elite Dangerous, dabbling in everything but mainly doing exploration.


13,816 posts

104 months

Thursday 2nd January
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MBBlat said:
Been gaming since the 70’s, always preferred slower paced games to shoot em ups and platform games. Always had a soft spot for space sims, from the original Elite to the Wing Commander series. Gone through every version of Civilisation, I still remember an early review of the original game that questioned the longevity of the format smile

Went through several years of WoW addiction, but managed to kick the habit. Got quite into Cities Skyline and currently playing a lot of Elite Dangerous, dabbling in everything but mainly doing exploration.
I can only assume you and Zetec-S are familiar with the X series of games. If not say goodbye to any spare time you might have.


70,619 posts

238 months

Thursday 2nd January
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I tend to get a game, play it and nothing else. Then move onto the next one... Then I go back to an old one now and again... That means I have played Skyrim a few times, Fallout a few times, Days Gone a few times, Horizon a few times...... But the online games I tend to bin and move on...... Although a while ago I got Battlefield 3 up and running and played that for a while.....


17,132 posts

211 months

Thursday 2nd January
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Narcisus said:
Lefty said:
Nope I find one and play it. And play it. And play it.

Hell Let Loose just now, I’ve barely played anything else in the last year
Yeah this what I need to do ... I finish work in Feb so spare time to game wont be as limited and I can concentrate on the back cat !!
I do revisit old games too. Goldeneye! I keep a 32” CRT purely for the N64. It’s massive and a pain in the arse but I don’t want to get rid of it because every now and again I’ll fire it up. I still have my original 100% complete save (with all the cheats unlocked) from 1997.


2,076 posts

129 months

Friday 3rd January
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I only play single player games which pretty much kills a lot of "Lets play that again" in most modern games which are driven by multiplayer. There's exceptions to this as always, so CP2077 for example where I've got over 400hrs played and 5+ play-throughs, but generally most games recently are lucky to get maybe a 30hr (at most) single player campaign by now.

I've started to get into retro gaming this year, after I bought an emulation device for things like Gran Turismo on the PS1 etc, or I'm playing much older games that are 5-10+ years old.

However I generally spend only a few hours at most a week gaming so I generally pick a title, say with it until I get bored (most games do eventually get repetitious even if they're amazing) and then swap to another. I've currently got CP2077, RDR2 and The Witcher 3 that I'm moving between if I have an hour or so spare to use up, alongside some "got 10 minutes to kill" driving/drifting/Need-For Speed type things I can quickly play.

Shadow R1

3,827 posts

185 months

Saturday 4th January
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I started on a Atari 520 ste. Microprose grand prix and carrier command. I still have the Atari and disks for them.
Then a pentium 3 with a quantum fireball hd. I don't remember the rest of the spec, just that hd name.
I went down the gaming pc side of things, rather than consoles.

Today, if a game doesn't grab me in the first few hours I move on to something else.
The last one that did was Soma, as part of the game pass.

The game I have the most hours in by far is Skyrim.
Last game I fully finished before Soma, was cyberpunk 2077.


7,553 posts

274 months

Saturday 4th January
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I tend to go for single player stuff with a manageable length story. Have hundreds of games between Steam, Epic and the rest. Been doing a bit of combing the “best x games” lists and trying the first hour or two - if it doesn’t grab me, it gets binned. Too many games, not enough time to grind something that I’m not enjoying.


7,553 posts

274 months

Saturday 4th January
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This video summed it up well for me:

Nothing wrong with just going back and playing older familiar games if that’s what floats your boat. I have friends still playing Skyrim over and over.


608 posts

75 months

Saturday 4th January
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Steven_RW said:
IMO you just aren't finding any very good games. Once you find a good game it holds your attention and it becomes natural to only play it as soon as you power up your system. I flit from game to game and then find something worthwhile and it just takes all my focus and gaming time.

Currently I go between PUBG on PC and Dark Souls type games on my consoles.

What I have found as I get older (nearly 50), the standard of game required to properly hold my attention is very high. I also get worn out by cut scenes before I have even got invested in most games and just shelf them. So I need action quickly and good action too, where you feel challenged from the outset.
I'm almost 40 and loved gaming since a young age like most young kids, for me i use it as a form of escapism from reality, although as I've got older i find it very difficult to get into something now, and the games i do play for the most part especially multiplayer the young ones can run rings around me to the point i end up giving up, Battlefield 2042 is something i play a fair bit even if I'm a bit st haha.