Nvidia App causing FPS drop

Nvidia App causing FPS drop



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89,906 posts

293 months

Tuesday 17th December 2024
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Nvidia are looking into it, Hardware Unboxed found that turning off the photo capture/filters setting gets the fps back up.

HUB tried a few games as 1440p and 1080p. The only game I have installed I could run a benchmark on was Horizon Zero Dawn remasters (Cyberpunk installed but I haven't updated mods).

Nvidia recommend turning the game filters and photo mode off for now.

I got huge difference at 4k.

When the app game filters and photo mode was on, 127 fps.

With it off I got 143 fps.


4,142 posts

136 months

Tuesday 17th December 2024
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Worst 'I have a 4090' post ever.
Thanks for the info. Will turn that stuff off when I'm next on the PC beer