How to introduce a 6 year old to video games?

How to introduce a 6 year old to video games?



Original Poster:

312 posts

169 months

Wednesday 30th October 2024
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I've got a PS4 and only really play Asseto Corsa and Warzone. Neither quite suitable for my 4 and 7 year old, quite yet, though we could try the driving sim.

What games would suggest for my kids to get a feel for video games?

I don't want them to get addicted to them, but I think it's something they should enjoy in moderation!

Thanks a lot.


5,687 posts

201 months

Wednesday 30th October 2024
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As a parent of three I would say don't, their brains aren't developed enough and it's like digital crack cocaine for them. They'll get stuck into them soon enough, doesn't need any encouragement for you. Have daily battles with my 11yr old about Fortnite, try and delay for as long as possible...


39,318 posts

233 months

Wednesday 30th October 2024
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Really - don't do it. Once its done you can't undo it. One of my biggest regrets is introducing my daughter to computer games thinking it was harmless learning, its now next to impossible to wean her off them and she is 24!


17,692 posts

199 months

Wednesday 30th October 2024
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Funny, I’d go the opposite. We got ours a Switch a while back (5&9), Mario Kart and a few others and we all play together.

It’s always been a controlled bit of fun for them and they know that. Introduce it whenever, set boundaries and most importantly stick to them. Like anything else in life, teach them moderation and control early and hopefully avoid trouble later.


39,318 posts

233 months

Wednesday 30th October 2024
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MiniMan64 said:
Funny, I’d go the opposite. We got ours a Switch a while back (5&9), Mario Kart and a few others and we all play together.

It’s always been a controlled bit of fun for them and they know that. Introduce it whenever, set boundaries and most importantly stick to them. Like anything else in life, teach them moderation and control early and hopefully avoid trouble later.
I think it depends on the person. Some people are more prone to addiction than others.

The Gauge

3,752 posts

22 months

Wednesday 30th October 2024
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Years ago we gave our 5yr old son a Nintendo DS to keep him occupied during a long car drive into France. The idea worked perfectly, keeping him entertained for the whole journey there, and back. Problem was, when we got home he never played with any of his physical toys ever again, such as his Toy Story figures etc. He's now 18 and still games almost constantly.

He was never going to have been given the freedom to play out in the streets day like kids of my generation did, but I felt that the DS deprived him of some of his early childhood innocence and I have always regretted giving it to him so young, especially as we did so for our own short term gain (keeping him quiet).

Edited by The Gauge on Wednesday 30th October 18:11


7,553 posts

274 months

Wednesday 30th October 2024
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I agree on stuff you can play together - the Nintendo sports games, Mario Kart, etc. The Mario platformers often have co-op modes where the younger player can be running along with you but aren’t key to progressing.

An old Wii or Wii U is good if you don’t fancy spending the money on a Switch, lots of great games for cheap and no online etc.

We limit play time but it’s fine IMO for a bit of downtime around other things. I’d much rather they were playing proper console games than the ad-ridden rubbish you usually get on tablets.


10,897 posts

231 months

Wednesday 30th October 2024
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Boobonman said:
As a parent of three I would say don't, their brains aren't developed enough and it's like digital crack cocaine for them. They'll get stuck into them soon enough, doesn't need any encouragement for you. Have daily battles with my 11yr old about Fortnite, try and delay for as long as possible...
I agree. Be careful what you wish for.

The will likely get into them at some point and when they do, it can utterly consume them.


939 posts

112 months

Thursday 31st October 2024
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I'll reiterate what the others have said, don't.

My Nephew is 7 and was bought a kids gaming tablet - hardly the pinnacle of gaming, and he is obsessed. A kid who up until that time, all he wanted to do was play football, have races and play lions and tigers fighting. Now he's constantly badgering to go on it, and when he is, you could shout his name 40 odd times in his ear but he's away with it.

You may just well lose your child, if you can't keep control of their screen time thoroughly!


24,217 posts

239 months

Thursday 31st October 2024
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I'm another one that says avoid as long as possible.

Both my sons 22 and 18, do nothing but sleeping and gaming.

And to the makers of Fortnite....I will find you....


13,939 posts

174 months

Thursday 31st October 2024
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OP, ignore the Mary Whitehouse-esque handwringing and get your kids gaming. I'd say the best thing to do is to not limit them and let them choose what they play but try to steer them away from shoddy crap like Fortnite. A lot of games made for kids are crap, but there's loads of gems out there, despite what people say about the state of modern gaming.

Gaming is a great hobby. Socially conservative sorts still think it's going to be the downfall of society but they've been saying that for decades and it hasn't happened yet. They said the same thing about TV, which they often happily watch while decrying gaming.


1,423 posts

244 months

Thursday 31st October 2024
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Play something like Terraria or Stardew Valley with them, great cooperation and building adventures.


7,258 posts

174 months

Thursday 31st October 2024
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Buy a Wii for £10 off Facebook and they will be away. Kids don't care about resolution, ray tracing or frames per second, they want fun and bright colours.
The games can be bought off Facebook/ebay for a couple of quid

I used to love playing Wii Sport, Mario Kart and Dance games with my kids when they were little.


13,052 posts

278 months

Thursday 31st October 2024
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durbster said:
Boobonman said:
As a parent of three I would say don't, their brains aren't developed enough and it's like digital crack cocaine for them. They'll get stuck into them soon enough, doesn't need any encouragement for you. Have daily battles with my 11yr old about Fortnite, try and delay for as long as possible...
I agree. Be careful what you wish for.

The will likely get into them at some point and when they do, it can utterly consume them.
100% agreed. Been there and got the T-shirt.


13,052 posts

278 months

Thursday 31st October 2024
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Mastodon2 said:
OP, ignore the Mary Whitehouse-esque handwringing and get your kids gaming. I'd say the best thing to do is to not limit them and let them choose what they play but try to steer them away from shoddy crap like Fortnite. A lot of games made for kids are crap, but there's loads of gems out there, despite what people say about the state of modern gaming.

Gaming is a great hobby. Socially conservative sorts still think it's going to be the downfall of society but they've been saying that for decades and it hasn't happened yet. They said the same thing about TV, which they often happily watch while decrying gaming.
As you've pretty much gone full 180 to everybody else on this thread. Can you advise if you have kids and what age are they?


3,488 posts

225 months

Thursday 31st October 2024
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Just to offer a bit of balance, I spent many years playing Destiny online with my nephews and their Dad during their formative years. From when they were 'Squeakers', right through to being fully fledged teenagers. They also used to raid with our clan, all of whom were adults. As a result, I still have an excellent relationship with both of them now that I don't think would exist in the same way if we hadn't shared that experience.

One has now given up gaming and is studying for his degree (and has also discovered girls are more fun than games!), the other still enjoys gaming, not excessively.

John D.

18,686 posts

218 months

Thursday 31st October 2024
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We started our daughter off on crack cocaine Sonic at 6yrs old I think. Got her playing Forza Horizon too as I gateway drug to cars also.

Got 'her' a Switch last Christmas as I wanted to play Mario Kart.

Edited by John D. on Thursday 31st October 10:45


502 posts

151 months

Thursday 31st October 2024
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Another one in the don't do it camp.

I have 4 kids and wish they'd never started. They don't play lots but their moods and attitudes are definitely worse after playing. It also becomes very all consuming for them as well.


5,218 posts

153 months

Thursday 31st October 2024
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I've bought Paw Patrol Racing for my son who's 4. He gets bored of it in 10 minutes lol.


13,733 posts

180 months

Thursday 31st October 2024
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Dont, the wifes lad is now 12, but she/her parents/his dad started him playing computer games at 3-4 hes absolutely addicted to them. His only hobbies are playing games and watching other people playing games on youtube.