Samsung Game Hub



Original Poster:

22,311 posts

234 months

Tuesday 29th October 2024
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After disastrously discovering that my shiny new Samsung 'The Frame' TV will not connect* to an Xbox, I then went on to discover Samsung's Game Hub, which looked like it might negate my issue entirely.

However... I popped onto DAYZ last night, and although everything seems to work just fine, the quality is variable. Lots of glitching and pixilation. to the point where it's not really possible to enjoy the game...

Is this a broadband speed thing? Or is there something else that I might need to look at to stabilise/improve it?

* It's not me, or my HDMI cables, it's Samsung - these TVs just do not connect direct to an Xbox, which is utterly ridiculous.


3,642 posts

197 months

Sunday 8th December 2024
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Slightly related bump.

We have a Samsung TV. I would describe myself as a (very) casual gamer. Is the gaming hub worthwhile investigating? Does everything need subscription,? Is there much to set up?


6,911 posts

224 months

Sunday 15th December 2024
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Sterillium said:
After disastrously discovering that my shiny new Samsung 'The Frame' TV will not connect* to an Xbox, I then went on to discover Samsung's Game Hub, which looked like it might negate my issue entirely.
We've just had our 'Frame' installed today. Game Hub seems to run GeForce Now really well. Tried Forza and Cyberpunk, both with graphics settings turned up near Ultra, even was able to use my old Stadia controller. The TV though is connected via Cat6 to the router, over WiFi it'll be a different experience am sure.