Yet another Gamepass price increase

Yet another Gamepass price increase


minky monkey

Original Poster:

1,553 posts

175 months

Wednesday 25th September 2024
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So, not content with putting the price up not long ago, they sent out another email increasing it another £2 to £14.99 a month.

Enough is enough, I've just picked up a 6 month subscription for £35.


4,363 posts

209 months

Thursday 26th September 2024
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Mines gone from 18.95 to 22.95…AUD. So now about £11.50.

I wonder how they justify the UK being £3.50 dearer?

Lucas Ayde

3,771 posts

177 months

Saturday 28th September 2024
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PC Gamepass is £9.99 per month. Even at that price, not sure if it's worth paying .. I have a 'gratis' 1 year full sub that runs out in a few months as a bonus from a new Broadband contract a while back and I rarely use it.

Doesn't help that I prefer to play by streaming the games to my TV and a lot of the games on Gamepass will insist on opening on a screen that matches the Windows desktop resolution (which is 5120x1440 in a 32:9 aspect for me), and just pillbox the 32:9 screen if you select a res with 16:9 ratio. A real headache for streaming, I just end up not playing them and not using the service.

I much prefer Steam as I can pick up my Steamdeck and continue playing stuff using the cloud saves from that service. Also, Steamlink streaming to the TV is much less of a faff than setting up everything needed to stream Xboxlive games and usually doesn't have the same aspect ratio crap to deal with.


8,330 posts

289 months

Saturday 28th September 2024
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I've finally binned Gamepass off ... Went from Ultimate down to PC because I had not touched my Xbox for months.

Only using it for Flight Simulator so will buy the new version on release.

I'm not going to miss it