Logitech Wheel


Flyin Banana

Original Poster:

2,178 posts

247 months

Friday 20th September 2024
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Hi Guys

can anybody help i mostly play forza and bought myself a seat and wheel about 2 months ago but this has made me slower.......

Any pointers or wheel set up ?




2,810 posts

33 months

Friday 20th September 2024
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My best advice is practice. I was the same when I got a wheel.


5,687 posts

201 months

Friday 20th September 2024
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Make sure its bolted down securely and you are in a comfortable position.


5,324 posts

111 months

Friday 20th September 2024
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I bought a cheapish wheel stand on eBay for about £65 which made a difference for me. It's not a professional set up of course, but it is lightyears ahead of bolting to a table.

Beyond that, get comfortable and spend time relearning how to drive fast. It's quite different to the controller.


1,570 posts

267 months

Friday 20th September 2024
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You don't mention exactly which wheel but Logitech have a page for recommended wheel settings for each game


Personally, I find the angle setting can make a big difference and needs to be adjusted to get it just right. Sometimes I even change the angle setting from car to car within a game.

Logitech said:


This sets the wheel's overall response angle within the limits defined by the setting. Formula 1 cars, for example, will use 360 degrees of overall rotation (180 degrees left or right from center) so if you leave the angle set to 1080 then it will require a lot of turning of the wheel in order to achieve a harder turn. In this case, setting the angle to 360 degrees will ensure you have the correct responsiveness in your steering. Whether you need to adjust this at all will differ with the different titles on different platforms. For example, the Formula 1 titles on a computer (PC) will typically require you to set the angle to 360 degrees, whereas on a console you should leave the wheel set to its maximum angle — the title takes care of it for you.


1,427 posts

40 months

Monday 23rd September 2024
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mids said:
Personally, I find the angle setting can make a big difference and needs to be adjusted to get it just right. Sometimes I even change the angle setting from car to car within a game.

Logitech said:


This sets the wheel's overall response angle within the limits defined by the setting. Formula 1 cars, for example, will use 360 degrees of overall rotation (180 degrees left or right from center) so if you leave the angle set to 1080 then it will require a lot of turning of the wheel in order to achieve a harder turn. In this case, setting the angle to 360 degrees will ensure you have the correct responsiveness in your steering. Whether you need to adjust this at all will differ with the different titles on different platforms. For example, the Formula 1 titles on a computer (PC) will typically require you to set the angle to 360 degrees, whereas on a console you should leave the wheel set to its maximum angle — the title takes care of it for you.
This 100%, when I first got my Logitech G29 I found it was unplayable and I was regretting buying it. The main reason for this was because the standard travel meant I could not get around many of the corners easily.

Changing the steering angle was a revelation and it just made everything click into place.


13,835 posts

104 months

Monday 23rd September 2024
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BenS94 said:
My best advice is practice. I was the same when I got a wheel.

I bought a Logitech g29 racing wheel and at first it made me slower, however as I got used to it I got faster than using a KB/Mouse.


17,963 posts

174 months

Monday 23rd September 2024
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Quite normal to be slower with a wheel for a while. I’m continually slow as I do long stints of not using it. But it does make it more enjoyable.


1,392 posts

112 months

Wednesday 25th September 2024
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captain_cynic said:
BenS94 said:
My best advice is practice. I was the same when I got a wheel.

I bought a Logitech g29 racing wheel and at first it made me slower, however as I got used to it I got faster than using a KB/Mouse.
Same here. Whenever I get a new game it always takes half an hour of 'dialling it in' to get the right feel.

Flyin Banana

Original Poster:

2,178 posts

247 months

Friday 27th September 2024
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thanks for the tips guys

its a Logitech g923 and mounted on stand with a race seat so its a pretty good rig

i use it for forza its the only game i play