Any PS5 account experts here?!

Any PS5 account experts here?!



Original Poster:

17,320 posts

245 months

Friday 20th September 2024
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Would appreciate some help. Recently moved countries, and my sons PS5 account is sending his 2sv code to my old phone. Apparently, he's going to lose his Fortnite credentials if we can't sort it. Spoken to many an "assistant" but no-one can seem to resolve it.
Anyone have any simple steps to change the mobile number?

Many thanks in advance.


4,156 posts

160 months

Saturday 21st September 2024
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Not an expert but when you enable 2FA you are given a list of backup codes you are supposed to keep safe in case something like this happens. Did you take a photo of them at the time?

If it was easy to change the phone number 2FA would be pointless


Original Poster:

17,320 posts

245 months

Thursday 26th September 2024
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Thanks idea, my 10 year old created his account!
Guess we'll just have to delete his accounts and start again.