Racing/Rallying Game Advice

Racing/Rallying Game Advice



Original Poster:

5,099 posts

243 months

Saturday 13th July 2024
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Years ago I used to love playing Screamer 2 and Screamer Rally. Hammering around circuits without having to go to a garage and get upgrades and all that malarkey. Are there any games nowadays that aren't monetised to the hilt and don't require the cars to be upgraded? I just want to belt around a realistic circuit or course in a 'real' car, against other ai cars (i.e. not necessarily against other gamers over the web) and continuously if possible.

Can anyone tell me either a windows or android racing game that fits the bill, or don't those sort of arcade racing games exist any more?


2,770 posts

136 months

Monday 15th July 2024
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Within the hardware there's game suggestions. I'm out the loop but:

Road Racing: Assetto Corsa / iRacing / rFactor / maybe GT7

Rallying: Dirt 2.0, maybe the latest one too.


15,979 posts

239 months

Tuesday 16th July 2024
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Richard Burns Rally (RBR) is still the GOAT of rally sims and can be downloaded for free these days with a whole truckload of mods, from

Dirt Rally 2 has much better graphics and sound as you would expect from a newer game, but for realism and driving satisfaction it still can't compete with RBR.

CT05 Nose Cone

25,307 posts

236 months

Thursday 18th July 2024
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I'm currently playing Rush Rally Origins, simple but really addictive with a lovely handling model. There is also Art of Rally, whose aesthetics I loved but could never quite get to grips with the mechanics of.