Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II



Original Poster:

89,914 posts

294 months

Tuesday 21st May 2024
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It's out and getting great reviews.


10,762 posts

231 months

Wednesday 22nd May 2024
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I just saw it on game pass looks good .


8,940 posts

270 months

Wednesday 22nd May 2024
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It's about 5 hours long, isn't it?


13,914 posts

165 months

Wednesday 22nd May 2024
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So far it's horrifically boring


77,839 posts

292 months

Wednesday 22nd May 2024
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As always it doesn't tell me what it smells of, and even worse, is this a men's or women's fragrance?


Don Roque

18,067 posts

169 months

Wednesday 22nd May 2024
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It's been getting some pretty middling reviews. It's a sequel to a dull walking simulator, so I'll pass.


1,798 posts

132 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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Don Roque said:
It's been getting some pretty middling reviews. It's a sequel to a dull walking simulator, so I'll pass.
The xbox centric reviews are high as are those from the usual ones who like the smell of their own farts and give it an automatic+4 stars for the mental health aspect of the story.

However, the more honest reviews are panning it for the dull and repetitive gameplay, which is supposed to be (somehow) even worse than the first game.

Having tried to get into the first game a number of times before getting bored, I too will be giving this a pass.


13,914 posts

165 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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I gave it 30 minutes before I turned it off and it won't be going back on, it looked pretty but that's it's. I don't want to sit there just pressing forward and occasionally hitting the sword button


13,939 posts

175 months

Thursday 23rd May 2024
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Another pile of boring crap farted out by Microsoft. Remember when Microsoft used to put out good games? I do, but it feels like a very long time ago now.

Lucas Ayde

3,771 posts

178 months

Friday 24th May 2024
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MWM3 said:
Don Roque said:
It's been getting some pretty middling reviews. It's a sequel to a dull walking simulator, so I'll pass.
The xbox centric reviews are high as are those from the usual ones who like the smell of their own farts and give it an automatic+4 stars for the mental health aspect of the story.

However, the more honest reviews are panning it for the dull and repetitive gameplay, which is supposed to be (somehow) even worse than the first game.

Having tried to get into the first game a number of times before getting bored, I too will be giving this a pass.
Yeah, the first game looked stunning (bought it on Steam) but was pretty boring gameplay-wise. I might give this a go as I have Gamepass on the PC but I'm not that enthused about even bothering to d/l it.

Unfortunately, virtue points don't make a good game.


3,778 posts

188 months

Friday 24th May 2024
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It's a glorified Unreal 5 tech demo that should have come out as a release title for x box X.

Its the epitome of modern gaming journalist bait. Walking simulator, infinite retries almost instantly from same point and doesn't have much substance.

Even after doing well there's feeling Microsoft may can the studio.

A second great gaming crash is coming


8,287 posts

256 months

Sunday 26th May 2024
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The OG Jester

202 posts

24 months

Tuesday 28th May 2024
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Tried for about 3 hours with the first game and it never gripped me so canned it off and played Horizon Zero Dawn instead. Can't imagine this one's got more going on?