Xbox Series X Sell?



Original Poster:

8,330 posts

290 months

Saturday 11th May 2024
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Even though I've not used it for about 8 months it's a difficult decision .... Would be the first time I've not had a console in front of the TV since 1977 ....

Sell ... Keep .... frown ?


809 posts

253 months

Monday 13th May 2024
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I very rarely sell my consoles. That's why I have a large collection of old consoles, computers and games gathering dust.
In your case I would probably sell it while it's still worth decent money, you can always pick up another one in the future if you get the itch to play again.


Original Poster:

8,330 posts

290 months

Monday 13th May 2024
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paul99 said:
I very rarely sell my consoles. That's why I have a large collection of old consoles, computers and games gathering dust.
In your case I would probably sell it while it's still worth decent money, you can always pick up another one in the future if you get the itch to play again.
I was the same had a massive collection of games and consoles from early pong machines, Vectrex, Coleco etc etc

Sold it all about 10 years ago.

I think I will sell not bothered about the money but it’s just gathering dust and taking up space.