Dragon’s Dogma 2



Original Poster:

77 posts

57 months

Tuesday 30th April 2024
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Surprised there’s no thread on this already. I bought a copy to keep me going until Shadow of the Erdree drops and it’s been pretty good fun so far.

Some of the pawn dialogue raises a giggle. My mage sounds like an even camper Alan Rickman and my hired fighter is called Taylor Swift, she’s rocking a basque (!) and spends forever looking for ladders to climb.
The fights can get gloriously chaotic and combat can be pretty satisfying.
Silly story, but the fantasy/medieval respite from typical ER gloom is a nice distraction and no bad thing.
Map is huge - lots to see and get lost in.

Dislike (intensely)
No Fast travel! Ox carts are NOT an acceptable replacement as they keep being attacked. Teleporting ferrystones are too few and far between.
Constantly being overweight (lol) - the chest/storage system isn’t great
Only one save game slot (on PS5) and the autosaves can be your enemy not your friend….as I discovered when constantly taken back to being stuck on a cliff, dead pawns around me and no ferrystone - plus 2 hours of gameplay back to the last Inn Save…
The map is abysmal - hard to get around, menu system very clunky. Urgh.

Despite the above, there’s loads to just get lost in and enjoy. It’s no Witcher, or Elden Ring, but so far I’ve enjoyed my time in its world. Only level 32 and probably a long way to go. Dragons are HARD.

Any other players out there/here…?

Don Roque

18,067 posts

169 months

Wednesday 1st May 2024
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I've finished it. As a massive fan of DD and Dark Arisen, I found it a mixed bag but overall, immensely pleased it was even made and released after so long since the last one.

Overall I enjoyed it but there were a few things that irritated me along the way. I suppose it wouldn't be DD if it wasn't extremely idiosyncratic and as flawed as it is fun (whoever tried to fight Grigori in the original game without a ranged attack will attest to this).

It took me about 80 hrs to finish, and that was clearing the whole map and taking on every side quest I came across. I missed a critical story moment later in the game (it all happens off screen if you don't attend to it immediately, great). I hoarded ferrystones because I knew they were needed for the endgame event, if I'd used a few I could have probably saved myself a few laborious trips on foot or by oxcart.


1,755 posts

212 months

Wednesday 1st May 2024
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I bought it for PS5 as I really enjoyed the first one on my PS3. I have only played a short amount as I have become distracted when the lads started playing pubg on the pc again and that takes up most of my gaming time. I will get to it though, cheers

Aunty Pasty

762 posts

48 months

Thursday 2nd May 2024
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Not got it yet but I have the original with Dark Arisen and got platinum on it so will be getting it soon. I love the pawn system and how it works with other players. They come back from being hired and present you with their reward which usually turns out to be something useless like a small fish.


Original Poster:

77 posts

57 months

Friday 3rd May 2024
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I confess the thank you gift I pass on to returning pawns tends to be either an apple or rotten scraggy meat…I’m so tight.

One of my friends just said she’s ‘accidentally’ started the final boss fight at only level 35 and is worried she’s missed a ton of content - can’t believe you can best that Big Bad at that level, surely.

My own game has ground to a halt as I just cannot beat any dragon/drake, to get a bunch of crystals. Going back in tonight but this time lighter in weight, with more health potions to hand. My pawns all need a kick up the a*se to get stuck in more too!

What’s the easiest drake/dragon to fell? The ancient battleground one or the one in dragonsbreath tower? I guess the tower has Sigurd to help you….

Don Roque

18,067 posts

169 months

Sunday 5th May 2024
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The smaller drakes you find around the map are the easiest to defeat. The one north of Vernworth or the one in the Battahl area should be pretty easy once you're appropriately levelled. Try bringing a sorcerer pawn with the 'meteoron' ability as a successful cast will absolutely obliterate them. Those fights are really just a DPS check as the drake's attacks are fairly weak but once they're nearly dead they'll try and hit with you a meteor spell of their own which is often an near-total wipe.

The mutated dragon-creation thing that you find in the lower left corner of the map (past the Medusa lair) is actually very easy too, albeit more it's a higher level than the lesser drakes that roam the map.


Original Poster:

77 posts

57 months

Sunday 5th May 2024
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Thank you!

Beat it…finished it smile. I did the one in dragonsbreath tower and by a stroke of luck/sheer genius, it got caught in a stairwell it chased me down, so it couldn’t fly anywhere and just pummel me, so we all piled in and tanked it :P

Rest of the game was straightforward….i went for the ending that seems to keep going forever, apocalyptically…but by then it just sounded too much of a grind to complete each area, so I won’t be technically finishing it entirely. Think I got to level 40 and that’s good enough for me.

Was fun, flawed, annoying, diverting and no masterpiece….but I definitely enjoyed it.


7,704 posts

74 months

Sunday 5th May 2024
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I did a few hours. Bored of falling off things, bored of the endless inane rattle from the pawns...


939 posts

113 months

Monday 10th June 2024
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I downloaded this while the F1 was going on over the Sunday after I overheard some lads at gym talking about it biggrin

Missus is out and busy over the weekend so I'm going to shut the blinds and hibernate with it!

Given the talk about it and some of the reviews i'm surprised there are so few comments on this thread, anyone on with it still?


Original Poster:

77 posts

57 months

Tuesday 11th June 2024
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Axel - I got almost to the end thought didn’t quite finish it. Really enjoyed it for the most part, with some reservations. But everything is now put to one side as we wait for Shadow of the Erdtree to drop…


1,798 posts

132 months

Friday 14th June 2024
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Was a bit Meh. Great set up in the beginning but it just fizzles out. Gameplay also becomes quite boring and repetitive towards the end.

I forced myself to complete the true ending section but it was a slog and didn't really rate it to highly by the time I finished. 6/10 for me.


939 posts

113 months

Monday 17th June 2024
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I binned it off, unfortunately.

Really wasn't a fan of the pawn system, and not having specific characters as companions, with actual story behind them didn't sit right with me, for an RPG.

I thought what I saw of the story and the gameplay was very cold, didn't feel connected to it in the slightest.

Frame rate was awful at some points and I found the inventory and the mechanics too busy for someone trying to just have a chilled time enjoying a story driven game.

Waste of 50 quid, but nothing ventured, as they say!


1 posts

8 months

Tuesday 18th June 2024
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is this game worth to play?