


Original Poster:

3,822 posts

279 months

Friday 22nd March 2024
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Just finished a playthrough of this. It's a linear looter-shooter but with an incredibly well written storyline. Most times you'd skip the dialogs and notes, here it's a really thoughtful explanation of events and interweaving lives. A few twists and turns as well. Plus, it doesn't avoid hard real-life situations. One of the issues with many scifi games is the PG-13 nature of the story and every ending is a happy ending. Not the case here.

Well worth the £7.50 on Steam currently for the base game. I'm not usually a completionist, this one I'll probably tick off most of the non-bounty quests.

Edited by Whoozit on Saturday 23 March 09:11


815 posts

255 months

Saturday 23rd March 2024
quotequote all
Thanks for the recommendation, picked it up yesterday and have been dipping in and out of it today. Reminds me of slightly less frenetic World War Z but with a bit more story to it and a nice sci-fi environment.