


Original Poster:

1,580 posts

153 months

Saturday 9th March 2024
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Does anyone else suffer from intense cravings to snack when gaming?

Having a cold drink during my gaming sessions is a must, but it isn't long before I'm reaching out for snacks (chocolates, crisps etc).

I would be interested to know if there is any science behind it or if I'm just a fatty biggrin

Just reaching out to see if this is a common thing, and if so what are your favourite snacks?

808 Estate

2,279 posts

101 months

Sunday 10th March 2024
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G Thang

381 posts

38 months

Sunday 10th March 2024
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Your brain uses up a lot of energy / calories, and if your body is used to functioning on carbohydrate intake as opposed to metabolising fat for energy, then you will need that carbohydrate intake.


1,243 posts

149 months

Monday 11th March 2024
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Snacks? nono A bottle of red wine? yes

For some reason I've always enjoyed Call of Duty and wine, even though my reaction time deteriorates with every passing sip...


43,292 posts

210 months

Monday 11th March 2024
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"More hotpockets Mom !"