Getting started with SimHub?

Getting started with SimHub?



Original Poster:

3,310 posts

139 months

Wednesday 6th March 2024
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Afternoon All,

Can anyone point in the direction of a getting started guide for Simhub please? My son would quite like to set something up on his gaming PC and, having researched it, it looks like I can run it on certain games on my XBox too.

I can find plenty of guides so I will give setting it up a go, but are there any free/cheap driving games which are compatible... even a demo version is ok, that I can use to figure it out and learn what I'm doing before I start spending money.


3,018 posts

149 months

Thursday 7th March 2024
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rFactor 2 should have a steam demo you can try it with.

Simhub is quite simple to use once you dig into it. Just remember that you have to be in windowed mode (not the normal full screen) for it to work. This can cause come stability issues on some games.


Original Poster:

3,310 posts

139 months

Saturday 9th March 2024
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Great, thank you. I’ll give it a go.