Very, very, old computer games

Very, very, old computer games



Original Poster:

7,707 posts

223 months

Sunday 18th February 2024
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For those of us who looked at the starting gaming at 50 thread and thought "you're a bit late to it!"

Lots free, often in-browser now, or pointers to steam/GOG etc where appropriate.
Relive your youth!
(The Sentinel for me... first question: would you like CGA, EGA or VGA?)


2,521 posts

277 months

Monday 19th February 2024
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Now how can I tempt someone to download the correct files and get Grand Prix Legends working so I do not have to do the hard work biggrin

Shadow R1

3,828 posts

186 months

Monday 19th February 2024
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They have magicland dizzy. thumbup


22,590 posts

235 months

Monday 19th February 2024
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I don't play computer games - but was involved in the launch of MSX computers in the early 80's.

MSX was ultimately a flop, but it created quite a bit of noise at the time and I remember the games that were launched with much fanfare from the likes of Konami.

It makes me feel very ancient to see what the latest computer games are capable of compared to what I was looking at in 1983!


7,258 posts

175 months

Monday 19th February 2024
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I thought there was a bit of interest in old games, but I'm trying to get rid of an old Pentium Dual Core with WinXP and about 20 games - half life, Grid, Monkey island etc on CD, and literally can't give it away.


65 posts

128 months

Monday 19th February 2024
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Play BBC games in a browser


31,965 posts

243 months

Monday 19th February 2024
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3D Monster Maze

Left, forward, right are 5, 7, and 8 which only makes sense if you've seen a ZX81 keyboard.


4,505 posts

234 months

Monday 19th February 2024
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ric19 said:
Play BBC games in a browser
Manic Miner!! Whoop Whoop
There goes the evening! biggrin

Gary C

13,306 posts

189 months

Monday 19th February 2024
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Emulators are good fun but the real thing cant be beat

If you want to experience many of these games on real hardware, come and visit us in the Northwest Computer Museum in Leigh near Manchester smile


2,458 posts

213 months

Monday 19th February 2024
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Really must try and finish Zork.

Oh no I have been eaten by a Grue. laugh


7,080 posts

228 months

Tuesday 20th February 2024
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boyse7en said:
I thought there was a bit of interest in old games, but I'm trying to get rid of an old Pentium Dual Core with WinXP and about 20 games - half life, Grid, Monkey island etc on CD, and literally can't give it away.
Computers of that vintage do take up a lot of space, and most of those games can just be played through an emulator in a browser. I would like to have a retro setup for older games, but then remember all the 'fun' of moving drivers into upper memory to free up as much of that 640k as possible to get Falcon 3.0 to run etc... and how much easier it is today to just run DosBox. Plus the difficulty of finding compatible peripherals.


39,321 posts

234 months

Tuesday 20th February 2024
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I was an Elite commander! I am worried I may not be able to dock any more!


6,087 posts

179 months

Tuesday 20th February 2024
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dapprman said:
Now how can I tempt someone to download the correct files and get Grand Prix Legends working so I do not have to do the hard work biggrin
Love that game.. still have my 'big box' copy that came with a 60 or 70 page book, had some great written info on the technicalities of driving a car fast that I still remember.


3,987 posts

208 months

Tuesday 20th February 2024
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This is epic, thank you.

Me and the 4Yo will have some fun with this biggrin


506 posts

143 months

Tuesday 20th February 2024
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NDA said:
I don't play computer games - but was involved in the launch of MSX computers in the early 80's.

MSX was ultimately a flop, but it created quite a bit of noise at the time and I remember the games that were launched with much fanfare from the likes of Konami.

It makes me feel very ancient to see what the latest computer games are capable of compared to what I was looking at in 1983!
I convinced my parents to get me the Toshiba MSX for my birthday, I was sold on the idea of it being a 'proper' computer, but also had a cartridge slot for instant game loading. I loved it even though it had limited games.

Got rid of it when Sega released the Master System, I still have that, including all my games, the gun and 3d glasses.


18,689 posts

219 months

Tuesday 20th February 2024
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I play Joust on my Xbox with my daughter. It was a fairly old game when I was playing it as a kid on my Dad's BBC computer!


6,013 posts

65 months

Tuesday 20th February 2024
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I still have the boxed spectrum rom cartridge of Jet Pack. It was a game changer.

No more

derrrrrrrrrr dit.



Re-align tape heads.


Edited by TGCOTF-dewey on Tuesday 20th February 12:16


7,581 posts

263 months

Tuesday 20th February 2024
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dapprman said:
Now how can I tempt someone to download the correct files and get Grand Prix Legends working so I do not have to do the hard work biggrin
It was pretty easy when I tried it a couple of years ago.

Think there was just one file to download and unpack.

Looked absolute ste on my 49in TV though, pretty much unplayable.

Shame as I used to loved sliding those cars around, even with my no name, no ffb, spring loaded wheel from the early 00's. Was hoping to improve my Ring Rank times during lockdown.


Looks better than I remember, might have to have another go.


31 posts

16 months

Tuesday 20th February 2024
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I rediscovered a couple of old DOS games I used to play in the '90s - the main one being the original Incredible Machine. Love it.


1,978 posts

29 months

Tuesday 20th February 2024
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Shame a bit more doesn't go into abandonware tbh.

Periodically check it for memories and things I can run on my 10 year old laptop haha. biggrin