Tomb Raider Remastered

Tomb Raider Remastered



Original Poster:

1,130 posts

59 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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Downloaded this on release, and initial irritation at the modern controls aside, am absolutely loving it! The remastering seems to be done very decently and I'd forgotten how atmospheric the first game is. The music is ace, and the general ambience is wonderful. The same gripes exist as they always did, but great game nonetheless.

The new version has infinitely better lighting, the health bar for enemies is a very welcome addition, but I do miss the floating blue crystal signifying a save point. I've not got far - only to St Francis' Folly, but am having a great time.


1,779 posts

129 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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Downloading this now. Played the original when I was a kid which I loved. The problem I have now is that new games are far too complex and confusing so remastered games always appeal to me biggrin


1,197 posts

157 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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I played the originals back up to The Last Revelation a couple of years back, still loving them. The Last Revelation doesn't really hold up that well, a lot of back tracking, sometimes across load screens, but the first three are still really great, very much of their time, but really fun to play

I've long wished for a remake of TR2 and 3. Just imagine what Temple of Xian, Floating Islands or the London levels from 3 could be like now....

In fact, they did Anniversary as a remake of 1 which is decent (but also now of its time - quite a lot of quick time events) but hard to believe that in itself is now almost 20 years old. They could probably do a remake that covered all three.

I'll probably get this. Watched a review of it a few days back and looks a worthy addition.

Can you get physical copies? Also what platform are people playing on?


Original Poster:

1,130 posts

59 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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I downloaded it from the Playstation store - about 9gb. It's also lovely to have negligible loading times too.

Nostalgia is a powerful force, but in this instance it is worth the money.

The most painful thing is the realisation of how adept at the original controls I used to be, and how spoiled we are with the analogue controls.

On the next playthrough I will use the modern controls but for the moment I am happy to bask in the warmth of a 28 year old classic game.


6,860 posts

174 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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Prohibiting said:
problem I have now is that new games are far too complex and confusing so remastered games always appeal to me biggrin
Amen! Too many colours, things happening instantly, storyline too complex, and yes I feel old…

808 Estate

2,321 posts

102 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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Magikarp said:
I've not got far - only to St Francis' Folly, but am having a great time.
I remember playing that the first time and getting to the top of the labyrinth and thinking "wow".

808 Estate

2,321 posts

102 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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MCBrowncoat said:
I've long wished for a remake of TR2 and 3. Just imagine what Temple of Xian, Floating Islands or the London levels from 3 could be like now....
Steam are showing TR1, TR2 & TR3 as remastered.


1,779 posts

129 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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Yep it’s the first 3 all remastered as a bundle.

I started in Tomb Raider 2 as that’s the one I played in 1997 when I was a kid. I even vaguely remembered the first level starting off in the cave!

Just completed level 2, Venice, this afternoon, but had to use a little YouTube walkthrough guidance towards the end as got completely stuck.


Original Poster:

1,130 posts

59 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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I am planning on having a really decent run this evening, but I find my memory of the original to be remarkable - down to the location of the secrets. Could be a long night.


1,197 posts

157 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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808 Estate said:
MCBrowncoat said:
I've long wished for a remake of TR2 and 3. Just imagine what Temple of Xian, Floating Islands or the London levels from 3 could be like now....
Steam are showing TR1, TR2 & TR3 as remastered.
Yeah I know what this is, I mean an actual remake. Like RE4 or FF7


1,881 posts

128 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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Loved the original but with my enormous list of games that I’ve bought and barely played I’m always slightly sceptical of these remasterings.


Original Poster:

1,130 posts

59 months

Sunday 18th February 2024
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Managed a bit last night - looking at a level an evening. I’d forgotten after years of playing open world games like F3, F4, and SkyrimX what it is like having to master a combination of moves to pass one particular bit. Completely different type of gameplay and one that’s more welcome than I thought it might be.

Still not convinced by the modern controls though.


1,756 posts

213 months

Sunday 18th February 2024
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I have the hd remaster that was released on PS3. I was going to play that but now I'm wondering if I get hold of this latest version, maybe for th Switch and play it there instead. I've not seen a comparison between the hd remaster on PS3 and this latest collection. You would assume it's another level of improvement again. Cheers


Original Poster:

1,130 posts

59 months

Sunday 18th February 2024
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Wasn’t the version on PS3 the original game version redesigned using a different engine? So, same plot but entirely different game? (with the horrendous “bullet time” slow-mo sequence IIRC)

These are the original games with enhanced graphics, and the facility to switch instantaneously between original and new graphics.


191 posts

52 months

Sunday 18th February 2024
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Having just completed God of War Valhalla and remastered TLOU2 the controls for Tomb Raider don’t feel natural at all. Some practice needed.


Original Poster:

1,130 posts

59 months

Monday 19th February 2024
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Kswap said:
Having just completed God of War Valhalla and remastered TLOU2 the controls for Tomb Raider don’t feel natural at all. Some practice needed.
Hard life ain't it?


676 posts

152 months

Tuesday 20th February 2024
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I loved Tomb Raider back in the day but only ever played the 1st one, so I downloaded this up yesterday for the Switch. Really enjoying it but the camera and controls are a bit of a battle, even with the modern settings. Its a lot more difficult than I remember as well!

Glad I got it though and am looking forward to playing through!


1,779 posts

129 months

Tuesday 20th February 2024
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I’m using the original “tank controls”. Difficult to start with but by level 2 I was absolutely fine. The slower pace and more thought in Lara’s movement is more enjoyable for me.

808 Estate

2,321 posts

102 months

Tuesday 20th February 2024
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I alwways liked the puzzle element to the different dungeons. Working out what needed to be done and not just shooting everytheng.


Original Poster:

1,130 posts

59 months

Tuesday 20th February 2024
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I’ve really enjoyed the figuring out of puzzles. It’s welcome change from the habitual open world RPGs I’ve spent so much time playing previously.

Now, remastered Half Life would go down a treat!