Dead Island 2



Original Poster:

70,620 posts

239 months

Thursday 15th February 2024
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Hmm, is anyone else as disappointed with this as I am ? Not only did we have to put up with fairly naff gameplay and PS4 level graphics, even had woke speech as well. Waste of money, glad I bought second hand.

Aunty Pasty

762 posts

48 months

Thursday 15th February 2024
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It's got my list but in the "when it's cheap" section. Enjoyed the first one but the reviews were just "Ok" with this one.


Original Poster:

70,620 posts

239 months

Thursday 15th February 2024
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Aunty Pasty said:
It's got my list but in the "when it's cheap" section. Enjoyed the first one but the reviews were just "Ok" with this one.
I really enjoyed the first one, have played it a few times. Thought I would give this a go despite the reviews.... I was wrong...... It may improve of course but the "they" speaking was really annoying, I am playing a female FFS.


1,755 posts

212 months

Thursday 15th February 2024
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I bought it cheap ish from amazon for the ps5. Yet to play it. My expectations have now been set! Probably never find it's way to the top of my list. I bought the remastered HD Tomb Raider trilogy for the PS3, probably play that instead.


1,738 posts

181 months

Thursday 15th February 2024
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Given that is was cancelled 12 years ago and then polished up for release. You probably need to cut it some slack.

The original was okay albeit repetitive.

Don Roque

18,067 posts

169 months

Thursday 15th February 2024
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It's definitely far better than the original. Pretty slick production, loads of content, a story you can follow and fleshed-out side quests. The combat system is excellent and the damage/dismemberment modeling is the best I've seen since SoF.

It's not perfect but given that it's been over a decade since the mediocre 'DI: Riptide', you could be forgiven for expecting it to be crap. It is most assuredly not. It does send up a few very '2023' things like goon streamers etc but they're here to stay now so that sort of satire might not age too badly. I was expecting more cheap thrills like the original Dead Island provided when I bought this last year, I was quite taken back by just how good it is. The developers deserve praise for punching above their weight with this one.


Original Poster:

70,620 posts

239 months

Saturday 17th February 2024
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Don Roque said:
It's definitely far better than the original. Pretty slick production, loads of content, a story you can follow and fleshed-out side quests. The combat system is excellent and the damage/dismemberment modeling is the best I've seen since SoF.
Hi nice to see one of the developers of the game joining the forum.

The production sees fairly poor, rather linear too, Combat is ok but not as good as the first one really either. This is meant to be a PS5 game but it does not look it.


1,946 posts

130 months

Saturday 30th March 2024
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Since this landed on Gamepass I have been playing it. I think it's an absolute blast and much better than some of the crap that is out there at the moment.