My PS5 is a glorified paperweight

My PS5 is a glorified paperweight


Speed Badger

Original Poster:

3,003 posts

127 months

Monday 5th February 2024
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Is it just me? I really want to play some good games that aren't sequels to stuff, although did enjoy God of War Ragnarok and Star Wars Jedi sequel. I'm currently in the middle of the Dead Space remake, but kind of lost interest. I bought F1 '23, but just couldn't be bothered with it, same with Assassins Creed Valhalla a while back.

What new, large scale unique and original, action adventure type games that are not sequels am I missing on PS5 that you guys have enjoyed?

Conversely I play my Nintendo Switch quite a lot, so many great games to choose from and new new Mario Wonder is great, especially playing it with my daughter. The PS5, I turn it on, it says update console/game, can't be bothered and I switch it back off again! Maybe I'm just lazy, with the Switch if I was halfway through playing a level on Mario, for example I can turn it off, go back to it 5 days later, turn it on and within 2 seconds I'm resuming the game.


1,916 posts

44 months

Monday 5th February 2024
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Mine in similar tbh, the game I have most recently enjoyed playing was Ratchet and clank!


11,376 posts

268 months

Monday 5th February 2024
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If you have a decent connection speed, PS5 console updates take about 2 minutes max, in my experience. Game updates will naturally take longer due to size, but the PS5 is markedly quicker than the PS4 ever was.

Are you looking for single-player, large-world exploration with (turn-by-turn) fighting sort of stuff? Baldur's Gate 3 has got a lot of love on that front recently, and the Hogwarts game seems decent in that regard anyway, from what I have seen.

If you are looking for more 'live action' stuff with your exploration, Horizon Forbidden West and other ones in that series seem to look good.

Lucas Ayde

3,771 posts

178 months

Monday 5th February 2024
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Speed Badger said:
Is it just me? I really want to play some good games that aren't sequels to stuff, although did enjoy God of War Ragnarok and Star Wars Jedi sequel. I'm currently in the middle of the Dead Space remake, but kind of lost interest. I bought F1 '23, but just couldn't be bothered with it, same with Assassins Creed Valhalla a while back.

What new, large scale unique and original, action adventure type games that are not sequels am I missing on PS5 that you guys have enjoyed?

Conversely I play my Nintendo Switch quite a lot, so many great games to choose from and new new Mario Wonder is great, especially playing it with my daughter. The PS5, I turn it on, it says update console/game, can't be bothered and I switch it back off again! Maybe I'm just lazy, with the Switch if I was halfway through playing a level on Mario, for example I can turn it off, go back to it 5 days later, turn it on and within 2 seconds I'm resuming the game.
I finally picked up a PS5 (slim) a few weeks ago, mainly for the UHD player as I just got a new OLED TV. Pretty much all I play on it is my old PS4 library with a smattering of PS5 stuff picked up from PS+ over the last couple of years and I have maybe two PS5 specific games that I'm planning to get at some stage. There's just not a lot of PS5 specific stuff that really appeals and the prices of the top titles are horrific.

To Sony's credit, it does a superb job of being a 'better' PS4. I remember them being very reluctant pre-release to talk up the backward compatibility and them saying that they wanted devs to focus on PS5 specific games and I can kind of see why, now.


70,620 posts

239 months

Monday 5th February 2024
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If you have not played:

Days Gone, Ghost of Tsushim or Horizon Zero Dawn - well, I recommend those heartily.

The OG Jester

202 posts

24 months

Monday 5th February 2024
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I only got one for the PS5 exclusives but most of the titles are 70 quid a whip! I do have both God of War titles, Killzone Shadow Fall, Detriot Become Human, Ratchet and Clank (the PS4 one) Wipeout Omega, Shadow of the Colossus, Bloodbourne, Gran Turismo Sport and Horizon Zero Dawn.

Expensive for exclusive titles but some of the PS only games are superb.

Lucas Ayde

3,771 posts

178 months

Monday 5th February 2024
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The OG Jester said:
I only got one for the PS5 exclusives but most of the titles are 70 quid a whip! I do have both God of War titles, Killzone Shadow Fall, Detriot Become Human, Ratchet and Clank (the PS4 one) Wipeout Omega, Shadow of the Colossus, Bloodbourne, Gran Turismo Sport and Horizon Zero Dawn.

Expensive for exclusive titles but some of the PS only games are superb.
Do you find that Bloodborne looks a bit iffy? I got an OLED telly around the same time as the PS5 and most of my PS4 games look to be quite a step up, but comparing Bloodborne on my old PS4 Pro on a 1080p LCD screen vs the game on PS5 on 4K OLED, it just looks 'off' on the newer combo somehow. If anything, a bit ropey especially on the distant backgrounds.

Might just be the TV showing up imperfections more clearly but as I say, most of the old PS4 stuff looks improved (often substantially).


3,987 posts

208 months

Monday 5th February 2024
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Lucas Ayde said:
I finally picked up a PS5 (slim) a few weeks ago, mainly for the UHD player as I just got a new OLED TV. Pretty much all I play on it is my old PS4 library with a smattering of PS5 stuff picked up from PS+ over the last couple of years and I have maybe two PS5 specific games that I'm planning to get at some stage. There's just not a lot of PS5 specific stuff that really appeals and the prices of the top titles are horrific.

To Sony's credit, it does a superb job of being a 'better' PS4. I remember them being very reluctant pre-release to talk up the backward compatibility and them saying that they wanted devs to focus on PS5 specific games and I can kind of see why, now.
Im looking for a PS5 for this exact reason, altough i have been tempted by GT7 by a lad at work, ive played them all driving


1,755 posts

212 months

Monday 5th February 2024
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Lucas Ayde said:
The OG Jester said:
I only got one for the PS5 exclusives but most of the titles are 70 quid a whip! I do have both God of War titles, Killzone Shadow Fall, Detriot Become Human, Ratchet and Clank (the PS4 one) Wipeout Omega, Shadow of the Colossus, Bloodbourne, Gran Turismo Sport and Horizon Zero Dawn.

Expensive for exclusive titles but some of the PS only games are superb.
Do you find that Bloodborne looks a bit iffy? I got an OLED telly around the same time as the PS5 and most of my PS4 games look to be quite a step up, but comparing Bloodborne on my old PS4 Pro on a 1080p LCD screen vs the game on PS5 on 4K OLED, it just looks 'off' on the newer combo somehow. If anything, a bit ropey especially on the distant backgrounds.

Might just be the TV showing up imperfections more clearly but as I say, most of the old PS4 stuff looks improved (often substantially).
I think it is just the tv showing up what was always there. The distant buildings look low res and sometimes a bit pale and washed out. I just installed it to re-check after reading your comment. I initially played it on PS4 500gb launch and 1080p plasma 50". Then PS4 Pro but same TV and now PS5 and 42" Oled but only two feet infront of me on my desk. I still think its a masterpiece. Just wish they could find a way of giving me 60 fps for a bit more smoothness.


3,537 posts

217 months

Monday 5th February 2024
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Speed Badger said:
The PS5, I turn it on, it says update console/game, can't be bothered and I switch it back off again!
Put it in sleep mode and downloads/updates will happen in the background. It costs less than £10/yr.


1,798 posts

132 months

Tuesday 6th February 2024
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Unique you say...

Death Stranding is the answer you are looking for.

Speed Badger

Original Poster:

3,003 posts

127 months

Tuesday 6th February 2024
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Thanks for the replies, I have got Ghosts of Tsushima and played it for about two hours but couldn't get into it, might have to give that another go.

Regarding Death Stranding - I've got this too and really persevered with it, I like the Metal Gear solid games a lot and Death Stranding was really intriguing. I just got so incredibly bored with it, I probably played around 5 hours until I got frustrated with walking everywhere with a big stack of boxes, it's literally a walking simulator. I know there's a lot more later on but I felt I was grinding it so much.

I'm also intrigued by Returnal, but I fear it will be a game that will drive me up the wall!

The PS5 console updates are not too much of an issue, it's more I put a game in I haven't played in a while, it has a 20gb update to do that takes half an hour and I just end up not bothering or playing the Switch.


4,977 posts

239 months

Tuesday 6th February 2024
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Try Hitman, I was pleased to find myself playing it over and over again to complete all the different ways. Clever game.


5,229 posts

196 months

Wednesday 7th February 2024
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I love Cyberpunk. Finished it not long after it was released, I didn't find that many issues with it on the PS5. Now it has been massively updated plus an expansion, it's an even better game. Also a big fan of the Yakuza/Judgement games, hugely under rated.