2FS on Playstation: I Didn't Set it Up...

2FS on Playstation: I Didn't Set it Up...



Original Poster:

1,753 posts

194 months

Friday 2nd February 2024
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Hi all,

Flashed up the PS4 for the first time in months (XBOX X finally died) and it asked me to log in after a system update. No problem, I know the password. But it's asking for 2FA. I have never set this up, and I'm very sure I've not linked my mobile number to my account as I've always been a very sparse user, pretty much only for Uncharted and Zero Dawn as they're exclusives.

Anyway, I can change the password with no issues, so I don't think I've been hacked. I've tried three online chats but as I can't give them any transaction number from any purchases through the store (I'm sure I've never bought anything) they refuse to help and end the chat.
I'm not even sure how to do 2FA, it says enter "your" code into "your" authenticator app. I don't have one...

Has anyone experienced this and over come it? I have no idea what to do now. I created a new profile with my spare email address but it won't let me log someone else onto the PS4.


Lucas Ayde

3,771 posts

178 months

Friday 2nd February 2024
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DKS said:
Hi all,

Flashed up the PS4 for the first time in months (XBOX X finally died) and it asked me to log in after a system update. No problem, I know the password. But it's asking for 2FA. I have never set this up, and I'm very sure I've not linked my mobile number to my account as I've always been a very sparse user, pretty much only for Uncharted and Zero Dawn as they're exclusives.

Anyway, I can change the password with no issues, so I don't think I've been hacked. I've tried three online chats but as I can't give them any transaction number from any purchases through the store (I'm sure I've never bought anything) they refuse to help and end the chat.
I'm not even sure how to do 2FA, it says enter "your" code into "your" authenticator app. I don't have one...

Has anyone experienced this and over come it? I have no idea what to do now. I created a new profile with my spare email address but it won't let me log someone else onto the PS4.

If you don't have the number provided by txt for 2FA, how are you able to change your password?

If 2FA is set up, you have to use it for things like password changes and can even make it mandatory for all purchases if you want.


13,968 posts

248 months

Friday 2nd February 2024
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I had some similar shenanigans a couple of weeks ago. Someone tried to make over a grand's worth of purchases, so if I were you the first thing I'd do is remove any linked payment cards on your account.

ETA I know 2FA isn't 2SV, but this made me rolleyes during my chat with PS Support ...

Edited by bigandclever on Friday 2nd February 12:45


Original Poster:

1,753 posts

194 months

Wednesday 1st May 2024
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Lucas Ayde said:
If you don't have the number provided by txt for 2FA, how are you able to change your password?

If 2FA is set up, you have to use it for things like password changes and can even make it mandatory for all purchases if you want.
I can change the password with no issues, it just sends a link to my regular email.


Original Poster:

1,753 posts

194 months

Wednesday 1st May 2024
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I've heard some people have had success by actually calling on the phone, but I can't find any phone numbers....


1,722 posts

148 months

Wednesday 1st May 2024
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DKS said:
I've heard some people have had success by actually calling on the phone, but I can't find any phone numbers....
I called them recently regarding a faulty controller and they sorted what i needed. Not sure if this is the right number for your issue but the number I used was 0207 859 0000 thumbup


Original Poster:

1,753 posts

194 months

Wednesday 1st May 2024
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1,722 posts

148 months

Wednesday 1st May 2024
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No worries thumbup


Original Poster:

1,753 posts

194 months

Friday 17th May 2024
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Annoyingly the conversation with the very bored guy went word for word the same as the online chat.
Credit card details? No, been so long it's changed numbers.
Invoice number? No, searched my emails, nothing from Sony apart the original setup email from 2012!
Console serial number you created the account on? No, I got rid of that PS3 many years ago!

Seems I've lost my account and I can't even sign into my PS4 with a new account (unless I factory reset presumably).