Shadow Gambit - The Cursed Crew

Shadow Gambit - The Cursed Crew


Buttery Ken

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21,072 posts

197 months

Thursday 18th January 2024
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Anyone else playing this? I loved Desperados 3 and have only just discovered Shadow Gambit recently, also developed by MiMiMi games. More of the same really, but I love the 'undead pirate' aspect of it, and enjoying some of the unique properties of the characters.

I thought I had nearly completed it, then took a quick look at a walkthrough and it appears I'm about a third of the way through! Great value for money.


1,578 posts

195 months

Thursday 18th January 2024
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Yep, I bought to play during my xmas break, still going now around 40 hours in. I really enjoyed Desperados 3, and Shadow Tactics. I think ST had the best story, but I'd say Desperados is the best one for me despite having a more generic story, as it didn't break out to the static graphics in dialog. I thought I was not far off done too as I had 47 hours out of Desperados including the challenges, before I noticed I was only about 30% done smile

Enjoying it a lot, though I'm wondering if they squeezed a little too much in with all the optional stuff, then again you don't have to do it. I don't mind the island revisits as most are pretty large, you never do it all in one mission, or you can do things another way next time .

Sad to see Mimimi are closing down frown I was watching a couple of YouTube videos about their history and the other Commandos-like games, unfortunately they seem to be a niche too far these days, although Shadow Tactics seemed to have done surprisingly well so many years after the last game in this genre. I was shocked by the Steam figures, whenever the video I've seen was put out I'm not sure; ST had sold over a million units - Desperados 3 350 odd thousand, but this had only sold 55k or so at the time... Hopefully someone will take the candle from Mimimi. Its easy to forget how many QoL improvements they made since the first game too, I'd have sworn it was more similar than what we have now - but half tempted to pick up the older games to scratch the itch, and Commandos remasters despite the issues I hear they have (I only ever played a demo as a kid).

Edited by Winterway on Thursday 18th January 23:21

Edited by Winterway on Thursday 18th January 23:25