Which xbox headset?



Original Poster:

702 posts

226 months

Sunday 17th December 2023
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My boy plays wth his mates on fortnight online and My Mrs keeps buying cheap xbox headsets quite often they can't hear him speak. So looking to get a decent headset that is reliable! Can anyone recommend a decent one around £50 or under


567 posts

246 months

Monday 18th December 2023
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Had this trouble with our lads headphones.

The fix was actually to update the firmware on the Xbox controller.

Worth a check before buying a new headset.


3,929 posts

163 months

Monday 18th December 2023
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I use a Hyper X cloud. It's worth upgrading anyway as the sound quality, comfort and construction is fair superior to that of a basic console job. Been dropped and treated reasonably roughly for the three years I've had it, but still going strong.

Right on your money too at £50 on Amazon



3,057 posts

160 months

Monday 18th December 2023
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I read that Microsoft have their own version of wireless to connect to the Xbox. My boy has a series X and I looked at everything from £50 to £140 but decided I can't be arsed messing around with connectivity issues so got the official Xbox headset.

Reviews either say it's ace or that the sound isnt the best compared to more expensive but flimsy ones. In isolation that won't matter and it'll be 'reet. Contexts wirelessly to the co sole and Bluetooth to phones etc at the same time. For some reason they game online but actually chat on WhatsApp video.

the prescotts

392 posts

204 months

Tuesday 19th December 2023
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Below is the link to the official Microsoft wireless headset. #25 over your budget but they do a great job.



4,773 posts

160 months

Tuesday 19th December 2023
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After looking at loads of options when I got my series x I ended up with the MS headset. No connectivity issues, or any issues at all.


Original Poster:

702 posts

226 months

Tuesday 19th December 2023
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P4ulB said:
Had this trouble with our lads headphones.

The fix was actually to update the firmware on the Xbox controller.

Worth a check before buying a new headset.
Thanks will look onto it


Original Poster:

702 posts

226 months

Tuesday 19th December 2023
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Great thanks all, will the offical headset mentioned work with Xboc one ?

Edited by chriz1 on Tuesday 19th December 17:14


4,773 posts

160 months

Tuesday 19th December 2023
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chriz1 said:
Great thanks all, will the offical headset mentioned work with Xboc one ?

Edited by chriz1 on Tuesday 19th December 17:14
Yup...scroll down to compatibility.



Original Poster:

702 posts

226 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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Han Solo

228 posts

36 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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Official one is rubbish.

You want the ability to control game / chat volume seperately, ability to change sounds in game via headset (I.e. increase certain sounds, such as footsteps) and a microphone that you can mute.

Plus the sound needs to encapsulate your ear, not rest on it.

The Hyper X are a good option at your price range, Turtle Beach Stealth are good too.


2,039 posts

30 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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Following this for recommendations

Pebbles167 said:
I use a Hyper X cloud. It's worth upgrading anyway as the sound quality, comfort and construction is fair superior to that of a basic console job. Been dropped and treated reasonably roughly for the three years I've had it, but still going strong.

Right on your money too at £50 on Amazon

My one of these just broke, tbh I didn't really like it at all. Huge, mic stalk is super short, wasn't really comfortable.

Might just be my head lol.


4,773 posts

160 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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Han Solo said:
Official one is rubbish.

You want the ability to control game / chat volume seperately, ability to change sounds in game via headset (I.e. increase certain sounds, such as footsteps) and a microphone that you can mute.

Plus the sound needs to encapsulate your ear, not rest on it.

The Hyper X are a good option at your price range, Turtle Beach Stealth are good too.
You have all those functions on the MS headset...

Microphones Mic design: bendable boom with dual mics and Illuminated LED when mic is on
Controls Buttons: power/pair, mute, game/chat audio balance dial (left earcup), volume dial (right earcup).
Virtual Surround Sound Supports Spatial Sound technologies like Windows Sonic, Dolby Atmos and DTS Headphone:X on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One*
Xbox Accessories app Adjust equaliser settings, bass boost, auto-mute, LED brightness and mic monitoring*

Han Solo

228 posts

36 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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Yes but it is wired, might not be an issue for you but I can’t stand it, plus the sound isn’t the best and I didn’t find it great at quickly being able to switch sound profiles in game.


4,773 posts

160 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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Han Solo said:
Yes but it is wired, might not be an issue for you but I can’t stand it, plus the sound isn’t the best and I didn’t find it great at quickly being able to switch sound profiles in game.
It's wireless, did you click on the link? whistle


1,373 posts

189 months

Friday 22nd December 2023
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dai1983 said:
I read that Microsoft have their own version of wireless to connect to the Xbox. My boy has a series X and I looked at everything from £50 to £140 but decided I can't be arsed messing around with connectivity issues so got the official Xbox headset.

Reviews either say it's ace or that the sound isnt the best compared to more expensive but flimsy ones. In isolation that won't matter and it'll be 'reet. Contexts wirelessly to the co sole and Bluetooth to phones etc at the same time. For some reason they game online but actually chat on WhatsApp video.
Could almost have written that myself, even down to the WhatsApp! the reason my kids do that is one of them doesn’t have a headset. Hopefully Santa fixes that one as it’s pretty annoying 😂

We’ve had turtle beach wired ones which last pretty well but one is playing up now, ans I’m sure the weak point is when they get taken out of the controller by the kids. Now have the MS one under the tree.


4,551 posts

230 months

Friday 22nd December 2023
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I use the steel series arctis 1 (wireless) they’re current selling for £75 or the wired version is £20.

Out of the box it’s so so but tune in the software can get good results and imo competes with my mates SS 7p (etc)