Your Game Of The Year 2023
It's that time of year again when (blank) of the year list come out.
So what is everybody's Game of The Year for 2023?
Mine is Spider Man 2, which surprised me a bit as I thought the first one was good but nothing special. However I thought the small improvements and the story in this one were excellent and I really enjoyed my time doing everything and getting the platinum.
For games I played for the first time but wasn't released this year, it is probably a three way tie between Persona 5 Royale, Deadly Premonition and Metal Gear Solid.
So what is everybody's Game of The Year for 2023?
Mine is Spider Man 2, which surprised me a bit as I thought the first one was good but nothing special. However I thought the small improvements and the story in this one were excellent and I really enjoyed my time doing everything and getting the platinum.
For games I played for the first time but wasn't released this year, it is probably a three way tie between Persona 5 Royale, Deadly Premonition and Metal Gear Solid.
The only 2023 release I played this year was The Expanse game from Telltale and I really enjoyed it. Big fan of the show, of Drummer and of Deck Nine who were also involved in the game. Guess it wins my new game by default!
Otherwise I’ve been playing Snow Runner and Generation Zero on rotation, but I also played The Long Dark for the first time and really enjoyed it.
Otherwise I’ve been playing Snow Runner and Generation Zero on rotation, but I also played The Long Dark for the first time and really enjoyed it.
Probably Baldurs Gate 3 - for a 50 something gamer it was both nostalgic and the pinnacle of fantasy RPGs at the same time, a great achievement.
Also special mention for Cyberpunk which I revisited post Phantom Liberty release this year and the 2.0 patch. Fantastic world, visuals and storytelling a complete joy.
Also special mention for Cyberpunk which I revisited post Phantom Liberty release this year and the 2.0 patch. Fantastic world, visuals and storytelling a complete joy.
Jader1973 said:
YorkshireStu said:
+1But as for actual game of the year, the Resident Evil 4 remake. I was cynical that it was needed but it proved me wrong, the bits they added were great and the bits they removed I didn't miss.
CT05 Nose Cone said:
If we're doing a most disappointing game list then it would definitely top that, it's the most 6/10 experience I've had in a long time.
But as for actual game of the year, the Resident Evil 4 remake. I was cynical that it was needed but it proved me wrong, the bits they added were great and the bits they removed I didn't miss.
Agree completely, Starfield was the most Meh game of the year. So disappointing and the games Bethesda made 10- 15 years ago were considerably better. Starfield felt like a regression to me. But as for actual game of the year, the Resident Evil 4 remake. I was cynical that it was needed but it proved me wrong, the bits they added were great and the bits they removed I didn't miss.
Resi 4 was a very good game and is def top 5 for the year.
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