Warzone 3



Original Poster:

3,033 posts

105 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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Finally here and I have to say it is an improvement.

Still lots of bugs as normal but enjoying it so far.

Looking at the map its a copy of the OG Verdansk but I'll take it. First game first win lol


5,590 posts

200 months

Sunday 10th December 2023
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I prefer it to Al mazrah, only played 2 matches, haven’t got any guns levelled up so it’s gonna be painful for abit


Original Poster:

3,033 posts

105 months

Sunday 10th December 2023
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ghost83 said:
I prefer it to Al mazrah, only played 2 matches, haven’t got any guns levelled up so it’s gonna be painful for abit
Its not that bad some of the floor guns are ok - taking time to level things up but prefer it.


1,222 posts

161 months

Sunday 10th December 2023
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Played some plunder today - good fun and easy to get to grips with.
Does feel more like verdansk than caldera so that can only be a good thing.


301 posts

36 months

Wednesday 20th December 2023
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I know this is going to sound like a stupid question and it probably is but how do you play warzone?

I have always played cod multiple player games and loved them all (mostly). Happy to play the game (get kills in free for all/multiplayer, get the tags in kill conformed etc… as well as grind the gun camp unlovable. I tried the first warzone and just did not get it and understood the tactics needed to actually be good at to find it enjoyable.

I don’t know if it’s because I tend to play quite aggressive instead of camping/snipering to try and survive etc


Original Poster:

3,033 posts

105 months

Wednesday 20th December 2023
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mattvanders said:
I know this is going to sound like a stupid question and it probably is but how do you play warzone?

I have always played cod multiple player games and loved them all (mostly). Happy to play the game (get kills in free for all/multiplayer, get the tags in kill conformed etc… as well as grind the gun camp unlovable. I tried the first warzone and just did not get it and understood the tactics needed to actually be good at to find it enjoyable.

I don’t know if it’s because I tend to play quite aggressive instead of camping/snipering to try and survive etc
Download it via your store on the console its a free game


8,751 posts

212 months

Thursday 21st December 2023
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mattvanders said:
I know this is going to sound like a stupid question and it probably is but how do you play warzone?

I have always played cod multiple player games and loved them all (mostly). Happy to play the game (get kills in free for all/multiplayer, get the tags in kill conformed etc… as well as grind the gun camp unlovable. I tried the first warzone and just did not get it and understood the tactics needed to actually be good at to find it enjoyable.

I don’t know if it’s because I tend to play quite aggressive instead of camping/snipering to try and survive etc
The goal is to be the last team standing on the normal modes.

Most money on plunder.