Retro Books



Original Poster:

8,330 posts

290 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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Just taken delivery of 3 books from bitmapbooks really superb highly recommend them if you are interested in retro gaming.

If you buy direct you also receive a pdf of the book.


1,755 posts

212 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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What did you get? I have a number of books about different systems I like, such as PS3 (called it only did everything) and PS Vita and The Art of Point and Click Adventure Games and so on. I'm interested in anything you enjoyed/recommend.



Original Poster:

8,330 posts

290 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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Steven_RW said:
What did you get? I have a number of books about different systems I like, such as PS3 (called it only did everything) and PS Vita and The Art of Point and Click Adventure Games and so on. I'm interested in anything you enjoyed/recommend.

Gremlin in the works … I knew a lot of these guys and was in Just Micro every Saturday.

Atari 2600 Visual Compendium

The CRPG Book

All great also reading another by the guy who programmed Broken Sword will post the name later.


Original Poster:

8,330 posts

290 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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Another one I’ve just remembered and one of my fav books is The ultimate Guide to Video Games by Stephen L Kent it’s a superb read.

CT05 Nose Cone

25,307 posts

237 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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I'm Too Young to Die and the Game Boy Box Art collection are really good. Dark Horse and Udon make some great artbook for the likes of Street Fighter and Final Fantasy as well, in fact sometimes I'm not even a massive fan of the franchise but like the art style so much I buy them anyway.


Original Poster:

8,330 posts

290 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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CT05 Nose Cone said:
I'm Too Young to Die and the Game Boy Box Art collection are really good. Dark Horse and Udon make some great artbook for the likes of Street Fighter and Final Fantasy as well, in fact sometimes I'm not even a massive fan of the franchise but like the art style so much I buy them anyway.
I’ve budgeted for a couple more at Crimbo !


1,755 posts

212 months

Monday 4th December 2023
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Thanks for all the suggestions. I listen to lots of retrospective reviews of older video games on youtube when I'm out driving for work every day. Some really good ones that you may enjoy. The wing commander one was good. Vagrant Story as well.
