StarEngine - (Star Citizen)

StarEngine - (Star Citizen)



Original Poster:

1,580 posts

153 months

Monday 27th November 2023
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A demo of the latest updates to StarEngine ... the whole thing is shot without loading screens yikes


1,423 posts

245 months

Monday 27th November 2023
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Looks amazing, what rig are that capturing that on?


Original Poster:

1,580 posts

153 months

Monday 27th November 2023
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Wayoftheflower said:
Looks amazing, what rig are that capturing that on?
I'm wondering that too ... if you look closely enough when the camera descends into the terrain, you can tell textures are being loaded in, which adds to the authenticity - eg, it not being some perfect studio render but output from the actual engine.

I haven't played Star Citizen yet - but I'm hearing from players that most of these locations are accessible (including that cave) so the locations are not entirely made up just for the tech demo.


2,461 posts

213 months

Monday 27th November 2023
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Technically the hyperspace jump bits are loading screens, but let them off laugh
Looks great, Elite looks and feels very empty and sterile in comparison.


2,097 posts

267 months

Monday 27th November 2023
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The engine is incredible, and it's as seemless as they make out, but it's still pretty "janky" when playing....not forgetting the bugs.

I've been a backer since the start, I drop in occasionally to see what it's like. There's nothing like it for scope or the feeling of having your own spaceship; being able to walk from a planet, though your ship, take off, land on another planet and walk around seemlessly is incredible.

There's something "other worldly" about waking up on your ship (which is dark and silent except for emergency lights) walking through it seeing the empty space out the window, planets in the distance only to power it up and have it all light up and come to life. *Thats* what they've absolutely nailed and nothing comes close to a universe/spaceship simulator.

Unfortunately, this "immersion" has a huge downside, in that everything takes a long time to complete. This is intentional, but having to wake up on a planet, take the train, get to the station, spawn a ship, take more elevators, request takeoff, leave the planet and THEN you can start something means a simple mission can take 30+ mins, only to die to a random bug before you've completed.
Even a package delivery can mean walking through a huge space station to the dropoff point....when if they're aiming for realism the dropoff would be in the spaceport :/ it's intention to add to the 'scale' I assume.

It's a game that's as incredible as it is frustrating. I've not been back in a while, over 18months or so, so I'll log in at some point to see how things are.


4,157 posts

161 months

Wednesday 29th November 2023
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13 years and $600 million and you get a video which will presumably bear no resemblance to the actual player experience. Will be glad to be proven wrong, I just hope I'm alive when they finally get round to it.


1,423 posts

245 months

Wednesday 29th November 2023
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Well I'm grateful to the people who backed the kickstarter for Elite Dangerous a decade ago.

I'll probably feel similar gratitude to Star Citizen backers whenever it's finished.