retro console, new release disappeared?

retro console, new release disappeared?



Original Poster:

1,843 posts

173 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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I feel I'm going a bit crazy here.

back in July time I pre-ordeded from Amazon a retro handheld, similar form factor to a gamebox classic. came with 8 built in games but also took cartridges. there were x2 versions one in capcom colors (blue/yellow) and the other in green black, though can't remember the company it was aping.

release date was around the 17th November and it was about 50 quid. I remember checking my amazon basket a month ago and seeing it pending. Also around that time I remember reading some really good reviews of the device, with the only downside bing the buttons on the back being a bit pants

Check today and it's disappeared from amazon, I also can't find any record of it in the amazon purchase history, and it seems to have been purged from the internet.

Did anyone else see these and remember the name of it or had a similar experience?

Mr Happy

5,726 posts

230 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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You should have an amazon order confirmation email unless you've deleted it?


214 posts

102 months


Original Poster:

1,843 posts

173 months

Friday 17th November 2023
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ten200 said:
That's the fella, I'm not going totally crazy then

I Search for it in orders and something appears however there's an error displayed and clicking in it doesn't show anything
