Lenovo Legion T7i


Buttery Ken

Original Poster:

21,081 posts

198 months

Thursday 19th October 2023
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Hi All

I'm looking to upgrade my gaming PC - as in, buy a new one. I don't want to self-build (unless I can save hundreds) so i've been looking at the usual suspects (Scan, PC Specialist etc).

This looks like a great deal on the Lenovo Legion T7i. I'd probably stick another 16GB RAM in, but other than that looks decent enough?

I'll be looking to play at 60fps on a 3440x1440 monitor.

Any opinions appreciated!


3,405 posts

146 months

Saturday 21st October 2023
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My PC to sell is a little below theat level smile

Ryzen 5800X, 32GB DDR4 3600 and 2070.


Can give full details