Spider-Man 2



Original Poster:

6,535 posts

202 months

Thursday 19th October 2023
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The new Spider-Man game is released tomorrow on PS5.

Looking forward to this. The original on PS4 is one of the best video games I’ve played.


258 posts

179 months

Thursday 19th October 2023
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Me and my son are very much looking forward to it. Make sure you pre-order as you get extra skins and items for free.


Original Poster:

6,535 posts

202 months

Thursday 19th October 2023
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mjcneat said:
Me and my son are very much looking forward to it. Make sure you pre-order as you get extra skins and items for free.
Pre-ordered yesterday. smile
It should be downloaded and ready to play Friday evening. Or more likely when I have some time at the weekend.


12,738 posts

223 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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Absolutely looking forward to this, Spider-Man 2018 Remastered & Miles Morales are two of the very best games I have ever played. I won't be getting it straight away though, certainly around Christmas/new Year though.


1,722 posts

148 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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1st game was utterly brilliant. Just platinumed Miles Morales last week. Wasn't as impressed with it but it was still enjoyable. I'll definitely get the new game but will wait until its cheap, as
A) I have a massive backlog of games and B) I'm a tightarse! laugh


3,164 posts

141 months

Friday 20th October 2023
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I’ve played 30 mins of it. Can confirm it’s good so far! Still find all the attack button combinations a PIA!


Original Poster:

6,535 posts

202 months

Sunday 22nd October 2023
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Something for Marvel fans. As well as Avengers Tower, I found this on the roof of what must be The Baxter Building…

Edit: from the outside…

Edited by SpudLink on Sunday 22 October 12:41


Original Poster:

6,535 posts

202 months

Wednesday 1st November 2023
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100% complete, which is very rare for me.
It was good, very good, but not great.
I’ve unlocked ‘ultimate’ mode. Don’t feel inclined to replay immediately, but I expect I will be back before too long.