New PS5 model (detqchable drive)

New PS5 model (detqchable drive)


Lucas Ayde

Original Poster:

3,771 posts

178 months

Thursday 12th October 2023
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Looks like its official:

Looks more or less the same but slight volume reduction and with the ability to add/remove the UHD-Bluray Drive. No performance improvement.

Definitely a more attractive package but still not enough to tempt me away from PC. It would only ever get used to play my existing PS4 games library, which I'm gradually replicating on PC whenever games come up on offer.


4,248 posts

113 months

Thursday 12th October 2023
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So like every other PS the next one is slimmer !


70,620 posts

239 months

Thursday 12th October 2023
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I was hoping for more power.


1,755 posts

212 months

Friday 13th October 2023
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Jasandjules said:
I was hoping for more power.
As much as I'd be happy to buy a PS5 "Pro" I'm trying to decide if I could be bothered with the next item I'd have to chase down stock for. I did it for the PS5 first time round and the RTX4090 and a 3090 before that and so on. I'm quite at peace not having to chase stock for the next item I want.

Lucas Ayde

Original Poster:

3,771 posts

178 months

Saturday 14th October 2023
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Steven_RW said:
As much as I'd be happy to buy a PS5 "Pro" I'm trying to decide if I could be bothered with the next item I'd have to chase down stock for. I did it for the PS5 first time round and the RTX4090 and a 3090 before that and so on. I'm quite at peace not having to chase stock for the next item I want.
It's more of a PS5 'Slim' .. they are planning on just transitioning to this and I believe that PS5 supply is now sorted out, so that should continue. Unless this revision is some sort of smash hit that overwhelms supply of course. As with most Christmasses, probably a risk of shortage then.

Lucas Ayde

Original Poster:

3,771 posts

178 months

Monday 16th October 2023
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Someone has used AR to produce a realistic size comparison of the new Slim against current PS5 and Xbox Series X .. actually looks pretty impressive:


6,535 posts

202 months

Wednesday 18th October 2023
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Lucas Ayde said:
Steven_RW said:
As much as I'd be happy to buy a PS5 "Pro" I'm trying to decide if I could be bothered with the next item I'd have to chase down stock for. I did it for the PS5 first time round and the RTX4090 and a 3090 before that and so on. I'm quite at peace not having to chase stock for the next item I want.
It's more of a PS5 'Slim' .. they are planning on just transitioning to this and I believe that PS5 supply is now sorted out, so that should continue. Unless this revision is some sort of smash hit that overwhelms supply of course. As with most Christmasses, probably a risk of shortage then.
PlayStation always follow the release of a new model with a slimmer/sleeker design. I think the PS4 Pro is the only time they improved performance while retaining the same model name.
I was expecting there would be a PS5 Slim, but would be very surprised if there's a more powerful version this soon.


12,738 posts

223 months

Wednesday 18th October 2023
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I don’t think the PS5 needs more power. The slim looks good but I’d rather they pool resources into the PS6, which logically is around four years away.