Amazon Prime weekly free games

Amazon Prime weekly free games



Original Poster:

89,912 posts

293 months

Friday 6th October 2023
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This week the big one is Ghostwire Tokyo (redeemable on Epic Games)


3,404 posts

144 months

Saturday 7th October 2023
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It's a bit repetitive, but a very good game. Redeems on Epic.


Original Poster:

89,912 posts

293 months

Thursday 7th December 2023
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Deathloop this month.


3,488 posts

225 months

Friday 8th December 2023
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Good spot. Thought Deathloop looked interesting when it was released.


1,125 posts

155 months

Friday 8th December 2023
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It's a really enjoyable game, you won't have a clue what to do at first, but it does an excellent job of giving you little bits of info until you get it all figured out

Do not cheat and look up hints and tips!! You'll get there

Lucas Ayde

3,771 posts

177 months

Saturday 9th December 2023
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Deathloop is great - just a good package all around. Fantastic free giveaway.

Amazon do give away quite a lot of gems, not always big names like this but pretty good stuff and the 'big' titles are usually an Epic or GOG key too. Not bad for 'free' (you need to have Prime).

Just a tip - Heroic Games Launcher now supports Amazon so you have a chance to run games from their own store on the Steamdeck. Also of course it can let you run Epic and GOG stuff on the Steamdeck too.


1,225 posts

216 months

Saturday 9th December 2023
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Didn't know about this, downloading Deathloop now!


Original Poster:

89,912 posts

293 months

Tuesday 16th July 2024
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Just a quick heads up for the 48 hours of the Prime sales Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration and Chivalry 2 are all free to collect.