Counter Strike 2



Original Poster:

67 posts

165 months

Tuesday 3rd October 2023
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Has anyone played this yet?

It's not as good as GO was in my opinion (yet). The beta felt clunky and now the full release seems very easy to get headshots. Still enjoying it though! And I'm sure it will eventually surpass the old game.

I was DMG-LEM in GO but have managed to lose about 6 games out of 8 so far. The players I'm playing with at the moment are mostly bad and very angry.


8,110 posts

186 months

Thursday 5th October 2023
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I've just got in to it, haven't played CS properly in a very long time.

Enjoyed it, got my first level up crate and got a £70 stat trak AK.

Game runs great, looks good. Just more of the same but more polished.


1,457 posts

121 months

Thursday 5th October 2023
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Downloaded it the other day, I haven't played Counter Strike for about 20 years in the days of CS 1.6 and before Steam even existed.

Good to see a couple of familiar maps (Office/Italy) but disappointed they've got rid of Aztec laugh

Surprisingly I'm still not too bad online (Either that, or the people I'm playing are st!)


7,808 posts

179 months

Thursday 5th October 2023
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Better than go but unfortunately the graphical improvements have pushed it beyond the ability of my low spec laptop


5,038 posts

45 months

Thursday 5th October 2023
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mw88 said:
Downloaded it the other day, I haven't played Counter Strike for about 20 years in the days of CS 1.6 and before Steam even existed.

Good to see a couple of familiar maps (Office/Italy) but disappointed they've got rid of Aztec laugh

Surprisingly I'm still not too bad online (Either that, or the people I'm playing are st!)
I used to work for a back in the day as the head of operations/IT manager. I ran a CS server and I'd print and pass round a map rotation menu each Monday for the week :-) - Had pretty much every member of staff bar HR and PAs playing at lunch time, and then at 5 :-) Eventually switched to Day of Defeat


7,808 posts

179 months

Thursday 5th October 2023
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an hour of play

aside from my lack of ability, freezing when zooming in/out or when there are multiple people on screen it feels much more free flowing than GO was, more akin to source/1.6. Unfortunately I'm regularly finding myself absolutely mullered by AWP shots at close range and almost every death is a headshot so either everybody else is much better than me...quite likely these days or its needs some tweaking as people have quicky found tricks.

I will say what I really need is a more processing power and to play in a headset so I can also hear where people are


10,991 posts

194 months

Monday 23rd October 2023
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Played 1.6 back in the day, Source and a tiny bit of Go. Loved Day of Defeat!

Just gave this a go and it's fine. I was usually dead before I even saw who was shooting at me. Did get a few kills thought and not bottom so that's something.
Didn't recognise any of the maps.

What's the deal with these loot cases? are there better guns or is it just paint jobs? you seem to have to pay to get your prize.


Original Poster:

67 posts

165 months

Tuesday 24th October 2023
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Bullett said:
Played 1.6 back in the day, Source and a tiny bit of Go. Loved Day of Defeat!

Just gave this a go and it's fine. I was usually dead before I even saw who was shooting at me. Did get a few kills thought and not bottom so that's something.
Didn't recognise any of the maps.

What's the deal with these loot cases? are there better guns or is it just paint jobs? you seem to have to pay to get your prize.
If you play a certain amount of hours per week, you'll be given a choice of 4 items. What I tend to do is go for the crates, immediately put them up for sale at 1p below asking price so they sell straight away. End up earning a little bit into my Steam account (about £300 over 10 years). If you wait for games to come up for sale you can get a fair amount for 'free'.

If you buy a key to unlock your case, you'll get a gun with a skin. Guns with skins are no different to the ones without skins in any way, only cosmetic.


25,020 posts

244 months

Friday 17th May 2024
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Not played Counter Strike in since 2002 ish. My daughters partner is into this. May give it a look