Cheap retro consoles



Original Poster:

349 posts

193 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Has anyone tried these really cheap retro consoles you can buy on Amazon for £20-40?

I'm looking for a cheap present for a 6 year old. They all seem to say they have hundreds of games but really what I'm looking for is simple stuff like Space Invaders, Pac Man etc...


4,577 posts

57 months

Thursday 28th September 2023
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They will all just be repurposed emulators on the software side.
Just check the reviews to see which one has decent hardware and the least issues.

You can get an Atari specific console, think it's called the flashback which should have the specific games you're looking for.


7,581 posts

263 months

Thursday 28th September 2023
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Some real life reviews in here recently...