Race 07. Blast from the past.

Race 07. Blast from the past.



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256 months

Wednesday 27th September 2023
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Sure, things have moved on graphically, but I really fancied some old touring car action and remembered there were mods for Race 07 / STCC from the SimBin days so installed the old girl once again.

I was quite surprised how well it held up given it's now 16 years old and that the mod community is still going! It also benefits from being able to use a 4K res and max details on everything on modern PCs. The racing was absolutely brilliant, too! In fact, I had more fun on this than I did on Assetto. And who can forget GTLegends, GTR etc from the same company? Good times. (often used as mods in other racers btw along with GPL etc)

Some images to remind you of those simpler times...