Any MAME experts here?

Any MAME experts here?



Original Poster:

2,428 posts

165 months

Tuesday 12th September 2023
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Good morning!

I'm looking for some advice as I'm struggling with getting MAME v0.258 running with a ROM on PC.

So I'm getting errors on missing dependencies.

"m72_a-8l-.ic66 - not found"

This was repeated for a few entries.

Now it's been like 16 years since I looked at MAME but it used to be pretty painless. Get rom, pop in folder and sorted.

Any help or pointing to complete ROM sets greatly appreciated.




1,021 posts

285 months

Tuesday 12th September 2023
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PM'd you. Not going to add links to romsets here!


Original Poster:

2,428 posts

165 months

Tuesday 12th September 2023
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Cheers bud


5,038 posts

45 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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Almost always you just need a newer romset. You've prob been sent the link to you need. They are archived historically.

I don't run the very latest make exe so I don't run into the issues as much. Always easy enough to solve though.

I do NOT download whole romsets as it's just a crazy amount of dross to filter through.

Built myself a nice make cab last year :-)


Original Poster:

2,428 posts

165 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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Nice! It's on the list (no idea where I'd put it....)

Would it be sad to ask to share some pics?

Cheers T1b


5,038 posts

45 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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T1berious said:
Nice! It's on the list (no idea where I'd put it....)

Would it be sad to ask to share some pics?

Cheers T1b
Yeah - I have the same "where to put it" issue :-) Currently in the spare room.

Fun project - built from scratch using a rough online plan for the general cab construction and graphics (which I had a mix of a local print shop do and me with transparancies and a later printer). Kept a tight track of costs and the whole thing including a cheap thin client HP PC cost £350, for absolutely everything right down to paint.

Since upgraded the Player 1 joystick to an Ultrastick 360 for a couple of reasons - better Robotron control, and also gives me an analogue stick for things like star wars and paperboy. Very clever pice of kit indeed! Can be switched from an analogue, to digital 2 way, 4 way, 8 way etc, all via commands. I also have buttons on each side for pinball games.

Also upgraded to a £90 Ebay dell PC for more oomph as I have the Star Wars Trilogy game running there which requires more power (Sega argade emulator).

Setting up a nice front end is also a fun challenge. Plenty of guides out there.


Original Poster:

2,428 posts

165 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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Griffith4ever said:
T1berious said:
Nice! It's on the list (no idea where I'd put it....)

Would it be sad to ask to share some pics?

Cheers T1b
Yeah - I have the same "where to put it" issue :-) Currently in the spare room.

Fun project - built from scratch using a rough online plan for the general cab construction and graphics (which I had a mix of a local print shop do and me with transparancies and a later printer). Kept a tight track of costs and the whole thing including a cheap thin client HP PC cost £350, for absolutely everything right down to paint.

Since upgraded the Player 1 joystick to an Ultrastick 360 for a couple of reasons - better Robotron control, and also gives me an analogue stick for things like star wars and paperboy. Very clever pice of kit indeed! Can be switched from an analogue, to digital 2 way, 4 way, 8 way etc, all via commands. I also have buttons on each side for pinball games.

Also upgraded to a £90 Ebay dell PC for more oomph as I have the Star Wars Trilogy game running there which requires more power (Sega argade emulator).

Setting up a nice front end is also a fun challenge. Plenty of guides out there.

Thar, that's just all sorts of epic! I salute you Sir!!


5,038 posts

45 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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EmailAddress said:
Red joysticks... cheater wink
:-) Didnt want black ones getting lost in the black background. Even made sure the analogue stick is red .

The other stick (digital, P1) is clever too - play 4-way, or, lift rotate, push back, and it's an 8 way.


5,038 posts

45 months

Wednesday 13th September 2023
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T1berious said:
Thar, that's just all sorts of epic! I salute you Sir!!
Cheers! - was a fun build. Fun also getting bits cheap. The monitor is a 4:3 19" LCD I got for under £15 off ebay. Speakers again, some dirt cheap PC Logitech jobs with woofer for £10.

Buttery Ken

21,072 posts

197 months

Saturday 16th September 2023
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Griffith4ever said:
T1berious said:
Thar, that's just all sorts of epic! I salute you Sir!!
Cheers! - was a fun build. Fun also getting bits cheap. The monitor is a 4:3 19" LCD I got for under £15 off ebay. Speakers again, some dirt cheap PC Logitech jobs with woofer for £10.
That's brilliant. Now on the list of things we're doing as part of our house renovation! Hopefully it won't look out of place in the kitchen!