Racing games for PS5 featuring Thruxton

Racing games for PS5 featuring Thruxton



Original Poster:

198 posts

47 months

Tuesday 5th September 2023
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Hi all

I've been gifted a Porsche Cayman experience at Thruxton. I've never driven on this track and want to learn the corners.

Any suggested games welcome, thanks.


2,039 posts

25 months

Wednesday 6th September 2023
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Great question - unfortunately I fear you may be 'pissing in the wind'... aside from some of the old TOCA games on PS1/2 I can't recall playing Thruxton on anything at all recently - shame frown


5,080 posts

202 months

Wednesday 6th September 2023
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Only modern game I can think of is Assetto Corsa though I'm not sure how the mod scene works with the game on Playstation as I've only played it on the PC.

The game runs on low spec PC's due to it's age so may work on a windows laptop/PC if you have one.


1,379 posts

100 months

Thursday 7th September 2023
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I wouldn’t worry, there arnt many!


560 posts

202 months

Wednesday 20th September 2023
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Those Playstation TOCA games were great, being able to blast around all the UK tracks. Such a shame there is no reasonable way to play them on modern hardware.