Transferring Save Game - XBOX

Transferring Save Game - XBOX



Original Poster:

361 posts

103 months

Friday 1st September 2023
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So i have i think a unique situation
Two xbox's series x, i use the one in my sons room until bedtime, then i retire to the games room to play the xbox in there.
How do i move about saved game data
We both have paid for Ultimate access that isnt linked ... i couldnt figure it out so i pay for two accounts

Lucas Ayde

3,771 posts

178 months

Tuesday 5th September 2023
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ComStrike said:
So i have i think a unique situation
Two xbox's series x, i use the one in my sons room until bedtime, then i retire to the games room to play the xbox in there.
How do i move about saved game data
We both have paid for Ultimate access that isnt linked ... i couldnt figure it out so i pay for two accounts
I guess you can logout/in on the boxes so as to at least access your own save? A pain having to do it all the time but I think it should work.

Does Xbox still support save to a device like memory cards (would be USB stick these days)? You might be able to transfer using that.

Other than that if you only wanted a one-off transfer between accounts you could ask XBox support, they might be able to do it. But it sounds like you want to move data all the time.

Sorry I can't be of more help, I had an OG Xbox and a 360 but haven't used the service for years.

Mr E

22,226 posts

269 months

Tuesday 5th September 2023
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The two devices just cloud sync the saves.

Do you use the same user on each device?


109 posts

216 months

Tuesday 5th September 2023
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I would just set up your account on both devices.

You can only be logged into one at a time but that shouldn't be an issue, then cloud save will copy the saved files for you.

I have a Series S and X and regularly switch between them (different rooms) and cloud save sorts it out.


Original Poster:

361 posts

103 months

Wednesday 6th September 2023
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Brilliant. I've give it a try.
Many thanks for the replies